What is FoxedBot?!
FoxedBot is a SteamBot using seishun's node-steam designed to control and administrate Garry's Mod servers using the Steam chat. It can also autonomously send messages to administrators when certain events occurs on a server, for example, when a player is calling for an administrator.
- Multiple servers
- Multiple commands
- Easy to customize
- Easy to add commands
- Node.js (>= 4.1.0)
- SVN (Windows: SlikSVN [Not TurtoiseSVN]) (Linux: Get the svn or subversion package)
- gm_bromsock
- Windows: Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
Warning: Do NOT install node-steam manually unless you know what you are doing, the FoxedBot package will install it automatically. Please review the result of npm install
to make sure that the command was actually successful.
- Create a new Steam account for the SteamBot
- Add the SteamBot to your friend-list
- In the folder of your choice extract the contents of the foxedbot.js folder
- Open the command-line, navigate to the SteamBot's installation folder and enter this command:
npm install
/* If you have issues on Linux use the following command */
npm install --unsafe-perm
- Copy config/settings.js.default and change the file's name to settings.js
- Open settings.js with your favorite text editor
- Configure the SteamBot to suit your needs
Garry's Mod Server
- Download the latest version of gm_bromsock
- Move the dll to garrysmod/lua/bin
- Extract the addons folder into garrysmod/
- Open addons/foxedbot/lua/foxedbot/sv_config.lua with your favorite text editor
- Configure FoxedBot to suit your needs
- Add your server to the SteamBot's configuration file if you haven't already
Note: Make sure to update your firewall's access rules!
The first thing you probably want do at this point is to startup FoxedBot, to do so open a command prompt, navigate to the installation directory of FoxedBot and enter this command:
node app.js
Thats it, FoxedBot is now running, forever, or not.
Tip: As FoxedBot is pretty new and was coded by a French cunt (that's me) it is likely to have bugs and may crash, it is recommended that you run FoxedBot using forever, a tool that will automatically restart FoxedBot if it crashes.
Before you brainlessly use the adduser command you need to be aware of this: as your bot is an "empty" Steam account it most likely won't be able to send friend requests. To add someone the person needs to send a friend request to the bot before you use the command adduser:
adduser <SteamID64>
deluser <SteamID64>
Note: If a server is having troubles connecting to the SteamBot run foxedbot_reload in the server console to attempt to fix it.
Command | Description | Arguments | Admin |
help | Sends a list of commands | N/A | No |
servers | Sends a list of servers | N/A | No |
ping | Sends back Pong! | N/A | No |
who | Sends infos about you | N/A | No |
friends | Sends the SteamBot's friends | N/A | Yes |
adduser | Accept / send a friend request | <SteamID64> |
Yes |
deluser | Removes a friend | <SteamID64> |
Yes |
admin | Sends a message to all users | <Message> |
No |
select | Select a server with it's ID | <ServerID> [ServerID]... |
No |
listen | Displays selectected server's chat & events | N/A | No |
mute | You won't receive any messages from FoxedBot | N/A | No |
chat | Sends a chat message | <Message> |
No |
announce | Displays an announcement | <Message> |
No |
players | Sends the list of players | N/A | No |
rcon | Executes a console command | <Command> |
Yes |
kick | Kicks a player using his name | <Name> [Reason] |
No |
kickid | Kicks a player using his UserID | <UserID> [Reason] |
No |
ban | Bans a player using his name | <Name> [Minutes] [Reason] |
No |
banid | Bans a player using his SteamID (No SteamID64) | <SteamID> [Minutes] [Reason] |
No |
unban | Unbans a player using his SteamID | <SteamID> |
No |
tell | Sends a message to a friend of the SteamBot | <Name> <Message> |
No |
This section is for developers who which to add commands, callbacks and events.
Commands, callbacks and event, what are they? Commands are functions that will be called when a command is ran, callbacks are functions that will be ran on the server when the SteamBot tells him to and events are functions that will be ran on the SteamBot when a server tells him to. Commands
Commands can easily be added to FoxedBot in the config/commands.js file.
app.addCommand("CommandName", AdminOnly, function (steamID, name, args, strArgs) {});
Type | Description |
string | The name of the command |
bool | Whether or not the command is admin only |
function | The function that will be called when the command is ran |
Function Arguments
Variable | Type | Description |
steamID | string | The SteamID64 of the user who ran the command |
name | string | The name of the user who ran the command |
args | array | The arguments of the command parsed as an array |
strArgs | string | The arguments of the function in a raw string |
app.addCommand("chat", false, function (steamID, name, args, strArgs) {
if (app.Selected[steamID] && app.Selected[steamID].length > 0) { // Checks if the user selected a server.
if (strArgs != "" && strArgs != " ") { // Checks if the ran arguments isn't empty
var data = { // Creates the array that will be sent
name: name,
message: strArgs
for (var i in selected[steamID]) { // Calls the OnChat callback on all selected servers
var serverID = app.Selected[steamID][i];
func.sendToServer(serverID, "OnChat", data);
} else {
app.sendMessage(steamID, "You need to select a server first!"); // Tells the user to select a server
Callbacks can easily be added to FoxedBot in the sv_callbacks.lua file.
FoxedBot.addCallback("CallbackName", function( data ) end)
data is a table containing data that may be required for the callback, for example a message to display.
FoxedBot.addCallback("OnRCON", function( data )
game.ConsoleCommand(data.command.."\n") -- Executes data.command
FoxedBot.sendMessage(data.steamID, data.command.." has been executed on server "..FoxedBot.ServerID..".") -- Sends a confirmation to the user
Events can easily be added to FoxedBot in the sv_events.lua and config/events.js files.
Sending event
local data = {
text = "Hello World!"
FoxedBot.sendEvent("EventName", data)
Receiving an event
events.on("EventName", function (serverID, data) {});
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "FoxedBot_PlayerSay", function( ply, text ) -- Called when a player says something
if FoxedBot.SendChat then -- Checks is SendChat is enabled
local data = { -- Creates the table to send
name = ply:Name(),
text = text
FoxedBot.sendEvent("OnChat", data) -- Sends the event to the SteamBot
events.on("OnChat", function (serverID, data) {
for (var i in app.Listening) { // For all users in the listening array
if (app.Listening[i]) { // Checks if the user is listening
if (app.Selected[i] && app.Selected[i][serverID]) { // Checks if the user is listening to the current serverID
app.sendMessage(i, "[" + serverID + "] " + data.name + ": " + data.text); // Sends the chat to the user
If you are having issues with FoxedBot please use the issues tracker and check if a similar issue was posted before posting yours. Remember to provide as much information as possible.
Feel free to submit your pull requests if you believe FoxedBot lacks a feature or if you find a bug that you are able to fix.
Note: However, please try to follow my coding style.
seishun - node-steam
_FR_Starfox64 - FoxedBot
Metamist - Node.js Consultant ;)
bromvlieg - gm_bromsock
Dragoboss - SteamGuard Sentry Hash