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Convection with work arrays for thread safety
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milankl committed Mar 20, 2024
1 parent 3b6adfe commit 98a6ac5
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Showing 3 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions.
64 changes: 30 additions & 34 deletions src/physics/convection.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,16 +21,10 @@ Base.@kwdef struct SimplifiedBettsMiller{NF} <: AbstractConvection

"[OPTION] Relative humidity for reference profile"
relative_humidity::NF = 0.7

"temperature [K] reference profile to adjust to"
temp_ref_profile::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)

"specific humidity [kg/kg] profile to adjust to"
humid_ref_profile::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)

SimplifiedBettsMiller(SG::SpectralGrid; kwargs...) = SimplifiedBettsMiller{SG.NF}(nlev=SG.nlev; kwargs...)
initialize!(::SimplifiedBettsMiller, ::PrimitiveWet) = nothing
initialize!(::SimplifiedBettsMiller, ::PrimitiveEquation) = nothing

# function barrier for all AbstractConvection
function convection!(
Expand All @@ -44,7 +38,7 @@ end
function convection!(
convection!(column, scheme, model.clausius_clapeyron,
model.geometry, model.planet, model.atmosphere, model.time_stepping)
Expand All @@ -70,11 +64,14 @@ function convection!(
σ = geometry.σ_levels_full
σ_half = geometry.σ_levels_half
Δσ = geometry.σ_levels_thick
(; temp_ref_profile, humid_ref_profile) = SBM
(; geopot, nlev, temp, temp_virt, humid, temp_tend, humid_tend) = column
pₛ = column.pres[end]
(; Lᵥ, cₚ) = clausius_clapeyron

# use work arrays for temp_ref_profile, humid_ref_profile
temp_ref_profile = column.a # temperature [K] reference profile to adjust to
humid_ref_profile = column.b # specific humidity [kg/kg] profile to adjust to

temp_parcel = temp[nlev]
humid_parcel = humid[nlev]
Expand All @@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ function convection!(
humid_ref_profile[k] = qsat*SBM.relative_humidity

local Pq::NF = 0 # precipitation due to drying
local Pq::NF = 0 # precipitation due to drying
local PT::NF = 0 # precipitation due to cooling
local ΔT::NF = 0 # vertically uniform temperature profile adjustment
local Qref::NF = 0 # = ∫_pₛ^p_LZB -humid_ref_profile dp
Expand All @@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ function convection!(
deep_convection = Pq > 0 && PT > 0
shallow_convection = Pq <= 0 && PT > 0

# escape immediately for no convection
# escape immediately for no convection
no_convection = !(deep_convection || shallow_convection)
no_convection && return nothing

Expand All @@ -123,24 +120,24 @@ function convection!(
ΔT = (PT - Pq*Lᵥ/cₚ)/Δσ_lzb # eq (5) but reusing PT, Pq, and /cₚ already included

for k in level_zero_buoyancy:nlev
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # equation (6)
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # equation (6)

elseif shallow_convection

# "changing the reference profiles for both temperature and humidity so the
# precipitation is zero.
# precipitation is zero.

for k in level_zero_buoyancy:nlev
Qref -= humid_ref_profile[k]*Δσ[k] # eq (11) but in σ coordinates
Qref -= humid_ref_profile[k]*Δσ[k] # eq (11) but in σ coordinates
fq = 1 - Pq/Qref # = 1 - Δq/Qref in eq (12) but we reuse Pq
fq = 1 - Pq/Qref # = 1 - Δq/Qref in eq (12) but we reuse Pq

ΔT = PT/Δσ_lzb # equation (14), reuse PT and in σ coordinates
for k in level_zero_buoyancy:nlev
humid_ref_profile[k] *= fq # update humidity profile, eq (13)
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # update temperature profile, eq (15)
humid_ref_profile[k] *= fq # update humidity profile, eq (13)
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # update temperature profile, eq (15)

Expand All @@ -157,9 +154,9 @@ function convection!(
(; gravity) = planet
(; water_density) = atmosphere
(; Δt_sec) = time_stepping
pₛΔt_gρ = (pₛ * Δt_sec / gravity / water_density) * deep_convection # enfore no precip for shallow conv
pₛΔt_gρ = (pₛ * Δt_sec / gravity / water_density) * deep_convection # enfore no precip for shallow conv
column.precip_convection *= pₛΔt_gρ # convert to [m] of rain during Δt
column.cloud_top = min(column.cloud_top, level_zero_buoyancy) # clouds reach to top of convection
column.cloud_top = min(column.cloud_top, level_zero_buoyancy) # clouds reach to top of convection

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +193,7 @@ function pseudo_adiabat!(
local k::Int = nlev # layer index top to surface
local temp_virt_parcel::NF = temp_parcel * (1 + μ*humid_parcel)

while buoyant && k > 1 # calculate moist adiabat while buoyant till top
while buoyant && k > 1 # calculate moist adiabat while buoyant till top
k -= 1 # one level up

if !saturated # if not saturated yet follow dry adiabat
Expand All @@ -205,7 +202,7 @@ function pseudo_adiabat!(
sat_humid = saturation_humidity(temp_parcel_dry, σ[k]*pres, clausius_clapeyron)

# set to saturated when the dry adiabatic ascent would reach saturation
# then follow moist adiabat instead (see below)
# then follow moist adiabat instead (see below)
saturated = humid_parcel >= sat_humid

Expand All @@ -216,20 +213,20 @@ function pseudo_adiabat!(
B = q*Lᵥ^2 / ((1-q)^2 * cₚ * R_vapour)
Γ = (1 + A/Tᵥ) / (1 + B/T^2)

ΔΦ = geopot[k] - geopot[k+1] # vertical gradient in geopotential
ΔΦ = geopot[k] - geopot[k+1] # vertical gradient in geopotential
temp_parcel = temp_parcel - ΔΦ/cₚ*Γ # new temperature of parcel at k

# at new (lower) temperature condensation occurs immediately
# new humidity equals to that saturation humidity
humid_parcel = saturation_humidity(temp_parcel, σ[k]*pres, clausius_clapeyron)
temp_parcel = temp_parcel_dry # else parcel temperature following dry adiabat
temp_parcel = temp_parcel_dry # else parcel temperature following dry adiabat

# use dry/moist adiabatic ascent for reference profile
temp_ref_profile[k] = temp_parcel

# check whether parcel is still buoyant wrt to environment
# check whether parcel is still buoyant wrt to environment
# use virtual temperature as it's equivalent to density
temp_virt_parcel = temp_parcel*(1 + μ*humid_parcel) # virtual temperature of parcel
buoyant = temp_virt_parcel > temp_virt_environment[k] ? true : false
Expand All @@ -256,13 +253,10 @@ Base.@kwdef struct DryBettsMiller{NF} <: AbstractConvection

"[OPTION] Relaxation time for profile adjustment"
time_scale::Second = Hour(4)

"temperature [K] reference profile to adjust to"
temp_ref_profile::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)

DryBettsMiller(SG::SpectralGrid; kwargs...) = DryBettsMiller{SG.NF}(nlev=SG.nlev; kwargs...)
initialize!(::DryBettsMiller, ::PrimitiveWet) = nothing
initialize!(::DryBettsMiller, ::PrimitiveEquation) = nothing

# function barrier to unpack model
function convection!(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,9 +285,11 @@ function convection!(
σ = geometry.σ_levels_full
σ_half = geometry.σ_levels_half
Δσ = geometry.σ_levels_thick
(; temp_ref_profile) = DBM
(; nlev, temp, temp_tend) = column

# use work arrays for temp_ref_profile
temp_ref_profile = column.a # temperature [K] reference profile to adjust to

level_zero_buoyancy = dry_adiabat!(temp_ref_profile,
temp, σ,
Expand All @@ -314,13 +310,13 @@ function convection!(

convection = PT > 0
convection || return nothing # escape immediately for no convection
convection || return nothing # escape immediately for no convection

# height of zero buoyancy level in σ coordinates
Δσ_lzb = σ_half[nlev+1] - σ_half[level_zero_buoyancy]
ΔT = PT/Δσ_lzb # eq (5) or (14) but reusing PT
for k in level_zero_buoyancy:nlev
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # equation (6) or equation (15)
temp_ref_profile[k] -= ΔT # equation (6) or equation (15)
temp_tend[k] -= (temp[k] - temp_ref_profile[k]) / DBM.time_scale.value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,14 +348,14 @@ function dry_adiabat!(
local buoyant::Bool = true # is the parcel still buoyant?
local k::Int = nlev # layer index top to surface

while buoyant && k > 1 # calculate moist adiabat while buoyant till top
while buoyant && k > 1 # calculate moist adiabat while buoyant till top
k -= 1 # one level up

# dry adiabatic ascent
temp_parcel = temp_parcel*(σ[k]/σ[k+1])^R_cₚ
temp_ref_profile[k] = temp_parcel

# check whether parcel is still buoyant wrt to environment
# check whether parcel is still buoyant wrt to environment
buoyant = temp_parcel > temp_environment[k] ? true : false

Expand Down
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions src/physics/define_column.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ Base.@kwdef mutable struct ColumnVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat} <: AbstractColumnV
const nlev::Int = 0 # number of vertical levels

ij::Int = 0 # grid-point index
ij::Int = 0 # grid-point index
jring::Int = 0 # latitude ring the column is on
lond::NF = 0 # longitude
latd::NF = 0 # latitude, needed for shortwave radiation
land_fraction::NF = 0 # fraction of the column that is over land
orography::NF = 0 # orography height [m]
orography::NF = 0 # orography height [m]

const u::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # zonal velocity [m/s]
Expand All @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Base.@kwdef mutable struct ColumnVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat} <: AbstractColumnV
const pres::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev+1) # pressure [Pa]

# TENDENCIES to accumulate the parametrizations into
const u_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # zonal velocity [m/s²]
const u_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # zonal velocity [m/s²]
const v_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # meridional velocity [m/s²]
const temp_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # absolute temperature [K/s]
const temp_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # absolute temperature [K/s]
const humid_tend::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev) # specific humidity [kg/kg/s]

# FLUXES, arrays to be used for various parameterizations, on half levels incl top and bottom
Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Base.@kwdef mutable struct ColumnVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat} <: AbstractColumnV
const flux_humid_upward::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev+1)
const flux_humid_downward::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev+1)

# boundary layer
# boundary layer
boundary_layer_depth::Int = 0
boundary_layer_drag::NF = 0
surface_geopotential::NF = 0
Expand All @@ -74,4 +74,10 @@ Base.@kwdef mutable struct ColumnVariables{NF<:AbstractFloat} <: AbstractColumnV
cloud_top::Int = nlev + 1 # layer index k of top-most layer with clouds
precip_convection::NF = 0 # Precipitation due to convection [m]
precip_large_scale::NF = 0 # precipitation due to large-scale condensation [m]

const a::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)
const b::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)
const c::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)
const d::Vector{NF} = zeros(NF, nlev)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test/convection.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
@testset "Convection" begin

spectral_grid = SpectralGrid(trunc=31, nlev=8)

for Convection in ( NoConvection,
for Model in ( PrimitiveDryModel,

convection = Convection(spectral_grid)
model = Model(;spectral_grid, convection)
simulation = initialize!(model)
run!(simulation, period=Day(5))

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