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This project is designed to showcase a front end design built with the following

Whats not to like about whiskey? This website is built for the whiskey connoisseur who enjoys the finer things in life, like minded consumers give their feedback on premium products and opportunities to purchase whiskey at discounted prices.

The user experience centres upon signing up to an incentive based web design and the user is able to click on link buttons to access more feature information and sign up to promotion.

Table of Contents

  1. UXD Considerations

  2. Technologies Applied

  3. Features

  4. Tests

  5. Deployment

  6. Credits

UXD Considerations

User & Business Objectives


  • The user belongs to a community of whiskey enthusiasts
  • Great product offerings and guidance upon a broad range of products made available
  • Access to well known and lesser known products to help expand the users range
  • Understand the background to Amber-Club via all published media types
  • Happy to browse products, without obligation to purchase


  • Promotion of latest products to generate customer demand
  • Advanced notice of new product offerings to help leverage customer interest. Early product reservations is the business objective here
  • Links provided for the user to understand Amber-Clubs' members favourite products
  • Offering free product samples to build customer trust, goodwill and the impression that value for money is being created.
  • Social media link access to further promote Amber-Club and encourage member intra-communications

Next Stage Generation

  • Increase product density through expanding scope of products, accessories, distillery tours, etc
  • Leverage footfall data to attract commercial online advertising, with resultaqnt revenues used to maintain and grow website
  • Affiliate with whiskey distilleries to encourage exclusivity on new products
  • Explore new social media channels to promote 'Amber-Club'


My wireframe mock-up design have been created in Balsamiq to showcase the 'Amber-Club' website responsiveness on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.


User Stories

  • Important updates on products and offerings to be made readily available
  • Customer quotes that set out their own personal experience of Amber-Club is important to view
  • An overview of the websites features such as a viewing gallery, guidance on shopping and ways to connect with Amber-Club
  • Monthly favourites as voted for by registered members
  • An understanding of Whiskey-Drops background and messages to get both new and existing customers excited
  • Information on product image, product name, product origin, price and tasting notes are required
  • Ability to filter products by country will be helpful
  • Access to Amber-Clubs' social media sites will be helpful to understand news and views from fellow whiskey fans
  • Secure registration and user authentication process
  • Secure payments process with a trusted online payments vendor
  • Straightforward process to contact Amber-Club
  • A clear FAQ page that helps support enjoyment of using Amber-Club and save on sending unecessary message
  • Users privacy, extending to treatment of data being full respected by Amber-Club
  • A clear message on cookie usage when the user interacts with Amber-Club website
  • Full terms & conditions to be made available for all users

CSS Framework

Bootstrap was the chosen framework for styling my project. I used the Bootstrap grid extensively to support responsiveness on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

Colour Palette

Colours used in this project were sourced from Colour Hunt. Essentially, the colours are seeking to capture key attributes of whiskey through warmth, soft notes, citric, nutty, peppary & woody

Colour Hex Code
Yellow #F78A00
Orange #F05F40
Charcoal Grey #343A40
Pencil Grey #BFBFBF


Roboto font wwas used throughout this project.

Icon Graphics

Font Awesome 5 icon graphics were used in conjunction with Bootstrap 4, primarily to support the features section, as viewed in index.html page

Page Function Font
index.html features fas fa-glass-whiskey

Navbar Design

For tablet and desktop views, the navbar offers 6 functions on show. For mobile devices, all the same options collapse into a 'hamburger' design.

  • Navbar Brand
  • Home
  • About
  • Gallery
  • Sign In
  • Register

Technologies Applied


HTML used as the markup language

CSS used to style the HTML

JavaScript used mostly for DOM manipulation


Bootstrap used to enable styling of front page and support aesthetic design

jQuery used The integrity and crossorigin attributes are used for Subresource Integrity (SRI) checking. This allows browsers to ensure that resources hosted on third-party servers have not been tampered with.


AWS Cloud9 a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.

Balsamiq is a small graphical tool to sketch out user interfaces, for websites and web / desktop / mobile applications and used to visualise my project through mock-up design.

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

Jigsaw - CSS validation this validator checks the markup validity of CSS style sheet and ensure coding convention is upheld

JS Hint a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in the javascript code

W3C - HTML validation this validator checks the markup validity of HTML web documents



Navbar (repeated on all pages) has been designed to include a clickable icon image that is synonymous with the bands brand. The user will always return to the home page with. In addition, the navbar allows the user to navigate to ‘about’and ‘gallery’ pages. A ‘hamburger’ design has been built to collapse the navbar for Mobile devices.

A full image of a full whiskey glass is on show from the header through to the first container ‘customer quotes’. Attractive narrative and a site register button are on show. Minimal colour palette used to help draw the users eye to the full glass of whiskey.

An announcement is central to the home page. Users are notified up front of a reward when signing up to Amber-Club

Customer quotes provides an image of the customer, occupation and a brief quote narrative

Features container includes 'Gallery', 'Shopping' and 'Connect'. There is a very social theme throug together to make user feel that are part of something special. Each feature is supported by a introduction narrative together with a button, when clicked, takes user to a modal window with image and further narrative

Monthly Favourites table is a top 5 list of Amber-Club members favourite product. Each product has a name, origin and rating score. The product name, when clicked, takes the user to a modal window where a full product image and detailed description can be viewed

Footer (repeated on all pages) includes please drink responsibility narrative and link to external website. Trading links to gallery and shopping. Social media links and fonts secured from bootstrap / font awesome5. The links are wired to Amber-Clubs' respective social media sites. Again, the .hover pseudo class has been used to provide a background colour change (pencil grey to yellow) and font colour change too. Site links allow the use to access about, contact us, cookies, faqs, privacy policy and terms & conditions. The lower footing allows for Amber-Club' business operating years, powered by Javascript, copyright and web designer information.


Navbar (repeated on all pages) has been designed to include a clickable icon image that is synonymous with the bands brand. The user will always return to the home page with. In addition, the navbar allows the user to navigate to ‘about’and ‘gallery’ pages. A ‘hamburger’ design has been built to collapse the navbar for Mobile devices.

A bootstrap parallax design provides the foundation of a story of what Amber-Club is and where users benefit from registering as a member

Barrel images appear at top and bottom of the parallax range, with a full whiskey glass and large stock of whiskey bottles postioned in between

Other containers are sandwiched between the above images to showcase Amber-Clubs' access to global range of products and to introduce free sampling for undecided customers

Footer (repeated on all pages) includes please drink responsibility narrative and link to external website. Trading links to gallery and shopping. Social media links and fonts secured from bootstrap / font awesome5. The links are wired to Amber-Clubs' respective social media sites. Again, the .hover pseudo class has been used to provide a background colour change (pencil grey to yellow) and font colour change too. Site links allow the use to access about, contact us, cookies, faqs, privacy policy and terms & conditions. The lower footing allows for Amber-Club' business operating years, powered by Javascript, copyright and web designer information.


Navbar (repeated on all pages) has been designed to include a clickable icon image that is synonymous with the bands brand. The user will always return to the home page with. In addition, the navbar allows the user to navigate to ‘about’and ‘gallery’ pages. A ‘hamburger’ design has been built to collapse the navbar for Mobile devices.

Product filter allows the user to view all products, or, view by country of origin. This graphic filter appears under the navbar

  • Countries in spotlight, as follows:
    • Ireland
    • Scotland
    • USA
    • Japan
    • China
    • Rest of the World (Australia, France & South Africa)

All products are presented with a matching style in bootstrap grid design.

  1. Product Image
  2. Product Name
  3. Price in GBP
  4. Country Origin

User can hover over the product image to view tasting notes. There is sufficient opacity to ensure the user can see the product in the background. The tasting notes fall into 3 categories:

  1. Appearance
  2. Aroma
  3. Taste

Footer (repeated on all pages) includes please drink responsibility narrative and link to external website. Trading links to gallery and shopping. Social media links and fonts secured from bootstrap / font awesome5. The links are wired to Amber-Clubs' respective social media sites. Again, the .hover pseudo class has been used to provide a background colour change (pencil grey to yellow) and font colour change too. Site links allow the use to access about, contact us, cookies, faqs, privacy policy and terms & conditions. The lower footing allows for Amber-Club' business operating years, powered by Javascript, copyright and web designer information.

Important - The products on show are for illustration purposes only and have not been wired to a formal ordering and payments process. This upgrade is planned for a future release.

Features left to implement

  • Add registration and user authentication to protect website from accidental or malicious attack
  • Create a product ordering and payments process (inc shopping cart) to enable users to purchase products
    • Link for product orders to a postgreSQL database with Stripe payment functionality
  • Add a web hit counter to understand popularity of website
  • Create a member feedback / blog function to help promote continuous improvement of UXD (User Experience Design) for user enjoyment and UCD (User Centred Design) to create great products
  • Product search function to be create to help user quickly find products of their choosing


A user testing matrix has been produced in MS Excel, but saved as .pdf to visualize here on GitHub. It outlines the various tests I made to ensure the site renders consistently across different platforms, and that each functionality behaves as intended.


The following browsers were used in testing the Re-Boot application. Internet Explorer was out of scope for testing due to obsolete capability

platform version
Chrome 81.0.4044.129
Edge 44.18362.449.0
Firefox 73.0
Safari 12.4.6
Opera 68.0.3618.63

Test Observations

The following media queries were added to improve the project responsiveness on all tested devices.

Media Query Device Class Comments
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .home-image height: 55vh, padding-bottom: 2rem
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .barrel-image height: 65vh
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .glass-title height: 65vh
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .bottles-image height: 65vh
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .dot height: 0.35rem, width: 0.35rem
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .empty-dot height: 0.35rem, width: 0.35rem
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .about-start font-size: 2rem
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .about-drink font-size: 2rem
min-width 375px & portrait Mobile .about-bottles font-size: 2rem
max-width 500px Mobile .quote-container text-align: center
max-width 500px Mobile .quote-container img margin: auto, float: none, display: block
min-width 667px & landscape Tablet .jumbotron 'lead margin-bottom: 0
min-width 667px & landscape Tablet .about-start font-size: 2rem
min-width 667px & landscape Tablet .about-drink font-size: 2rem
min-width 667px & landscape Tablet .about-bottles font-size: 2rem
min-width 768px & portrait Tablet .dot height: 1rem, width: 1rem
min-width 768px & portrait Tablet .empty-dot height: 1rem, width: 1rem


This project was developed using the AWS Cloud9 IDE, committed to git and pushed to GitHub using the built in function within Cloud9.

To deploy this page to GitHub Pages from its GitHub repository, the following steps were taken:

  1. Log into GitHub
  2. From the list of repositories on the screen, select Spagettileg/Amber-Club
  3. From the menu items near the top of the page, select Settings
  4. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
  5. Under Source click the drop-down menu labelled None and select Master Branch
  6. On selecting Master Branch the page is automatically refreshed, the website is now deployed
  7. Scroll back down to the GitHub Pages section to retrieve the link to the deployed website

How to run this project locally

To clone this project from GitHub:

  1. Follow this link to the Project GitHub repository
  2. Under the repository name, click "Clone or download"
  3. In the Clone with HTTPs section, copy the clone URL for the repository
  4. In your local IDE open Ubuntu Bash
  5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made
  6. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3

git clone

  1. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

Further reading and troubleshooting on cloning a repository from GitHub



  • Scrolling parallax idea taken from W3Schools with code being adapted by myself
  • Gallery image filtering code taken from W3Schools, with the code modified to refer to product origin countries and colour chnage to fit within project palette



Thanks to Matt Rudge, Timmy O'Mahony & Brian O'Grady (all Code Institute) for their time, suggestions, and constructive feedback!

Big thanks to my mentors Theo Despoudis & Simen Daehlin for their ongoing technical guidance.


Front end design website, built with HTML, Bootstrap, CSS & jQuery








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