This repository contains:
- An implementation of a neural network mini-library.
- A complete regression neural network trained on the "1990 California Housing" dataset.
This coursework was part of COMP70050 - Introduction to Machine Learning (Autumn 2022), according to specification.
In order to run part 1 of the coursework solution, invoke:
Running the above, performs a simple test on the mini-library.
In order to carry out further testing, a test script was written to ensure all layers of the mini-library functioned accordingly. This can be invoked by running:
In order to run the main entrypoint of part 2 of the coursework solution, invoke:
This regression neural network is trained using training and validation sets. An evaluation using the test set is then performed.
The regressor is initialised with the optimum parameters, obtained through hyperparameter tuning.
Using GridSearchCV from scikit-learn, an exhaustive search over specified parameter values was performed on the model.
You will see these available flags:
Neural Networks and Evaluation Metrics
positional arguments:
PATH_TO_DATASET The relative path to the dataset
OUTPUT_LABEL The label for the output feature
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-cv, --validation Use this flag to turn on cross validation
-es, --early_stopping
Use this flag to enable early stopping
Tolerance before early stop kicks in
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
The number of epochs to run the training for
-lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
The rate at which learning is completed
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
The size for each batch of mini-batched learning
-d DROPOUT, --dropout DROPOUT
Provide a fraction of neurons to drop in training
-n NEURONS [NEURONS ...], --neurons NEURONS [NEURONS ...]
Provide the hidden layers neurons
-p, --plot_loss Use this flag to plot the loss over time
-x SEED, --seed SEED Provide a seed for shuffling the dataset
-s, --save Save the resulting model to pickle file
You can run:
python3 housing.csv median_house_value -cv -es -est 200 -e 100 -lr 0.01 -b 100 -d 0.1 -n 5 5 -p -x 123 -s
run the regression neural network on housing.csv datasetmedian_house_value
the label for output feature-cv
enable cross-validation-es
enable early stopping-est 200
set early stopping tolerance to 200-e 100
set epochs to 100-lr 0.01
set learning rate to 0.01-b 100
set batch-size to 100-d 0.1
set dropout value to 0.1-n 5 5
set neurons to [5, 5]-p
enable plotting of loss over time-x 123
set random shuffling seed to 123-s
saves model as pickel file
A external script was written to fine tune and test hyperparameters:
python3 housing.csv median_house_value
You will see these available flags:
Hyperparameter Tuning
positional arguments:
PATH_TO_DATASET The relative path to the dataset
OUTPUT_LABEL The label for the output feature
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-es, --early_stopping
Use this flag to enable early stopping
Tolerence before early stop kicks in
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
The number of epochs to run the training for
The rates at which learning is completed
-b BATCH_SIZE [BATCH_SIZE ...], --batch_size BATCH_SIZE [BATCH_SIZE ...]
The sizes for each batch of mini-batched learning
-d DROPOUT [DROPOUT ...], --dropout DROPOUT [DROPOUT ...]
Provide a list of fractions of neurons to drop in training
-n NEURONS [NEURONS ...], --neurons NEURONS [NEURONS ...]
Provide the hidden layers neurons choices. Please separate choices with a , (e.g 5 5 : 10 10)
-x SEED, --seed SEED Provide a seed for shuffling the dataset
-k FOLDS, --folds FOLDS
Provide the number of folds for cross validation
-s, --save Save the resulting model to pickle file
You can run:
python3 housing.csv median_house_value -es -est 50 200 -e 10 -lr 0.01 0.1 -b 100 -d 0.1 0.9 -n 5 5 : 10 10
run the regression neural network on housing.csv datasetmedian_house_value
the label for output feature-es
enable early stopping-est
set early stopping tolerance to [50, 200]-e 10
set epochs to 10-lr 0.01 0.1
set learning rate to [0.01, 0.1]-b 100
set batch-size to 100-d 0.1
set dropout value to 0.1-n 5 5: 10 10
set neurons to [5, 5], [10, 10]
- iris.dat was used to test the neural network mini-library.
- housing.csv is a subdataset the "1990 California Housing" dataset, used to train the regression neural network.
- part2_model.pickle was created using the regression neural network, trained on the entire dataset with fine-tuned hyperparameters.