This is a repository of custom functions publicly available.
Instructions for adding new language support from online help pages:
Using a tool like BBEdit, copy the table of error codes from the web page, then do a find and replace with the following steps. This should give you a set you can copy/paste to update the custom function should you want to for specific versions.
Step 1 (without grep) find: " replace: "
Step 2 (with grep) find: ([0-9])\r\r replace: \1" ; "
Step 3 (without grep) find: \r\r replace: " ; JSONString ]\r ; ["
Step 4 Add to beginning of first line: ; [" Add to end of last line: " ; JSONString ]
Step 5 Correct for ranges like "1552-1559" by creating a line for each value in the range.
Step 6 Add new custom function and update the Case statement in the base CF to return the correct set.