Ripple is a raytracer made completely from scratch in the C programming language.
It started by rendering simple spheres but aims to render complex objects with varying geometry and aesthetic lighting.
This program uses the GCC
compiler with Make
on Windows 11 x64-based operating system
> make ripple
gcc -o ripple ripple.c vec3.c sphere.c bmp.c
Run the program specifying the height and width.
> ripple 1024 1024
Sphere (0x5d5ffbe0) (0.000000 0.000000 10.000000) (4.000000)
Width: 1024, Height: 1024
Sun position: Vector3 (0x5d5ffb30) (0.000000 -10.000000 0.000000) (10.000000)
Render time: 0.366000 seconds
You should see an output.bmp