Automatic changelog service for generation changelogs for Space Station 14. This runs as an old-style GitHub webhook: you will need a server to host this on and to set up a webhook on your repo.
First, compile for whatever you're going to host this on:
dotnet publish -c Release --no-self-contained -r linux-x64
Output files will be in SS14.Changelog/bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/publish/
or something like that. Put them on your server somewhere. Have it run as a daemon, and expose its port to the internet via a reverse proxy or something, and wire stuff up on GitHub.
For reference, this is what the file layout on our server looks like:
├── appsettings.yml
├── bin
│ ├── SS14.Changelog
│ ├── SS14.Changelog.dll
│ └── <rest of publish files generated above>
├── # Just a wrapper bash script to run bin/SS14.Changelog, nothing fancy.
└── ssh_key
Here is what you'll want to put in appsettings.yml
. Please read every comment:
Using: [ "Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.Loki" ]
Default: Information
SS14: Verbose
Microsoft: "Warning"
Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime: "Information"
Microsoft.AspNetCore: Warning
- Name: Console
OutputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3} {SourceContext}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}"
Enrich: [ "FromLogContext" ]
# If you want Loki logging.
# Address: "http://localhost:3101"
# Name: "centcomm"
# Change URL/port to bind to here.
urls: "http://localhost:45896"
# Secret configured in the github webhook, to ensure authenticity.
GitHubSecret: "<SECRET>"
# The branch to look at for generating changelogs.
ChangelogBranchName: "master"
# The SSH Key to use to push/pull changes.
SshKey: '/opt/ss14_changelog/ssh_key'
# The on-disk repo to keep up to date and to generate changelogs in.
# You need to initialize this manually with git clone.
ChangelogRepo: '/var/lib/changelog/repo/'
# How long to wait after a changelog-change has been merged/pushed before we generate changelogs and push a commit.
DelaySeconds: 60
AllowedHosts: "*"
Uhhh, that should be everything, I think?