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SinisterDeveloper edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Quiz-Maker Guide/Documentation

Common Terms Used in the Documentation

Deck A shareable Collection of Questions created by the Administrator, which is used in the Quiz

Question An entity representing the question-text, the 4 answer-options, and marks/points associated with it

Administrator Person operating the platform and the administrative actions such as creating a Deck, Questions and managing Results

Player End User playing/answering the Quiz/Deck

Platform Setup and Hosting

Instructions on how to set up the platform can be read in the README document. This Wiki only contains instructions on how to operate and platform


Login Page

Minimal login page to access the Administrator Settings Interface. The password is what the Administrator used in the PASSWORD field of the .env file (case-sensitive)

Questions Tab

Controls for Addition, Modification, and Deletion of Decks and Questions are available here. Decks that have been created are listed in a paginated manner. Arrow buttons at the top are for navigating through the list

Creating a Deck

  • Click on New Deck (at the top right)
  • Enter the Deck Name (name will be visible to the Players using the quiz), the Time Limit and the Conclusion Message
  • Require Email makes the entering of email mandatory for the Players
  • Background Image lets you choose a custom background image for the Players using the Quiz. This feature is in BETA.

Creating a Question

  • Click on Add Question on an existing Deck, this will take you to the Question Creator Page
  • Fill in the Question field with the Question-Text
  • Upon entering the Question:
    • You can choose to use the Autofill Choices button (BETA) which will fill in the options for you with One Correct Answer, and three wrong answers. You can also choose to manually edit the options entered by the AI. Please note, sometimes all 4 answers may be wrong
    • Manually enter the 4 options
  • Enter the Points/Marks with an integer value, which is how many points a Player will gain upon answering that question correctly
  • Among the 4 buttons, choose which of the 4 options you had filled in earlier, is the correct answer.

Viewing and Deleting Questions

Click on View Questions and then click on the Question you want to view. You may choose to use the Delete button at the bottom to delete it

Sharing a Deck

Due to Browsers' Security Policy:

  • If the application is hosted through a localhost or is served along with an SSL certificate (https), you can share the quiz link automatically
  • If the application is served through http, you will be directed to the Quiz Page, where you can copy the link on the address bar, and manually share it

Playing/Answering the Quiz

The shareable link allows any person to access and Play/Answer the Quiz. Players' results will be available in the Results tab

Deleting a Deck

Caution: This action is undoable, and this will delete all Questions and Results associated with it Use the Delete Deck button to delete your deck

Results Tab

Results of Players are displayed here in a fashion similar to the Decks display. Click on the Refresh button at the top right to see newly added result

Viewing a Result

Clicking on View Result takes you to the Result Page allowing you to see the statistics of the result such as Score, Duration, Player Details. Clicking on Question-wise Performance lets you see the result on an individual-question basis


if you have any questions/issues, you may email me ([email protected]). If you are sure that there is a bug on the website: raise an issue in the code repository with details regarding the issue