PetBlocks v6.5.0
- Changed the way how renaming the pet and custom skin naming works. There are new config options for messages in the config.yml
- Added config option for mysql database usessl
- Changed riding animation to fit with the height of the ground
- Changed developer api
- Updated documentation page
- Fixed pets do no longer drop their items when the player grabbing them dies
- Fixed PetBlocks toggle and enable command do not create new pet meta data
usessl: false
naming-suggest-prefix: ''
naming-suggest-clickable: '&e<<Click here>> '
naming-suggest-suffix: 'to rename your pet.'
naming-suggest-hover: 'Click me to rename your pet.'
skullnaming-suggest-prefix: ''
skullnaming-suggest-clickable: '&e<<Click here>> '
skullnaming-suggest-suffix: 'to change the skin of your pet.'
skullnaming-suggest-hover: 'Click me to change the skin of your pet.'