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  1. Clone the repository into your emacs.d:
    • Unix:
      mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/shinmera
      git clone ~/.emacs.d/shinmera
    • Windows:
      mkdir -p ~/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/shinmera
      git clone ~/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/shinmera
  2. Make emacs load the package:
    • Unix:
      echo "(add-to-list 'load-path \"~/.emacs.d/shinmera/\")" >> ~/.emacs
      echo "(require 'shinmera)" >> ~/.emacs
    • Windows:
      echo "(add-to-list 'load-path \"~/.emacs.d/shinmera/\")" >> ~/AppData/Roaming/.emacs
      echo "(require 'shinmera)" >> ~/AppData/Roaming/.emacs
  3. Launch emacs and wait for it to download and install everything. It'll take a while the first time around.
  4. If you'd like to change which parts of the config are actually used, you can customize that behaviour with M-x customize-group shinmera.


Each module is made with a specific goal:

  • arduino
    Support for editing and running Arduino projects
  • c
    Support for C/C++/ObjectiveC projects including cmake and debugging.
  • company
    The company completions system.
  • elixir
    Support for editing Elixir projects.
  • flycheck
    A linter system.
  • general
    General editing and look-and-feel changes to emacs. C-q To expand the region
    C-S-f/b/a To mark with another multiple cursor
    C-M-S-f/b To unmark a cusor
    C-c p Projectile prefix
    C-c k Delete file and buffer
    C-c r Rename file and buffer
    C-c o Open file with external program
  • glsl
    Support for GLSL and HLSL shader language editing.
  • go
    Support for editing Go source files.
  • java
    Support for editing Java source files.
  • js
    Support for editing JavaScript source files.
  • lisp
    Support for Common Lisp projects using SLIME and some extra features for Elisp.
  • magit
    The best GIT UI ever made. C-x g Open Magit
  • mail
    Some changes to customise email sending.
  • misc
    Miscellaneous major modes for various file types.
  • native
    Customisations to make Emacs behave more like more recent editors, including major keybind changes.
  • paredit
    The Paredit structured editing system for lisp languages.
  • pass
    Integration with the Unix Pass system for authentication.
  • perspective
    Provides ways to keep "workspaces" for different projects.
    C-x C-b List buffers in project
    C-c M-p Perspective prefix
  • python
    Support for editing Python source files.
  • lua
    Support for editing Lua source files.
  • rust
    Support for editing Rust projects.
  • shell
    Enhancements for Emacs' built-in shells.
  • spell
    Improvements to Emacs' spellcheck systems, and on-the-fly spellchecking.
  • tex
    Support for LaTeX and BibTeX source files.
  • treemacs
    A tree-based file browser plugin.
    C-x d Toggle Treemacs
  • vim
    Changes to make Emacs behave more like Vim.
  • web
    Support for editing HTML, CTML, CSS, LASS files.