A tool for predicting the effects of missense mutation on protein stability changes using 3D structural information of a protein. The tool is based on Direct Message Passing Neural Network (a graph convolutional neural network) and Deep Learning Neural Network. PROST-3D also visualizes and highlights the change in molecular strucutre for a single missense mutation.
Requirements: The requirements.yml file is provided.
Installation of anaconda3 is prerffered
create PROST-3D environment from the provided requirements.yml file.
Download the following databases and make them ready for searching
i) uniref50 (https://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/uniref/uniref50) [make this ready for blast by using the following command]
makeblastdb -in uniref50.fasta -dbtype prot -out uniref50
ii) uniclust30_2018_08 (http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~compbiol/uniclust/2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08_hhsuite.tar.gz)
2.1) Now, set the paths (in line 21-22 in PROST-3D_predict.py) for the installed databases accordingly.
- Activate your virtual environment(PROST-3D) and run the python script PROST-3D_predict.py
Command-line arguments for the program:
{-pdbid,--pdbid, -pdb_id, --pdb_id} PDB ID of protein from RCSB Protein Data Bank
{-file,--file} protein sequence (FASTA format)
{-mutation, --mutation} missence mutation (example: A V 8 I 25 7 or A T 77 H 25 7)
{-mutlist, --mutlist, --ml, --mutation_list} list of mutations
{-outdir, --outdir, --out_dir} directory name for results
{-out_file, --out_file, -outfile} Name for the result output file
{-h, --help} command-line summary
Prediction for a single mutation
python PROST-3D_predict.py -pdb_id RCSB PDB ID --mutation wild-type position mutant-type temp°C(optional) pH(optional) --outdir (optional) Result --out-file (optional) mutation_result
python PROST-3D_predict.py -file Path_To_PDB_Structure --mutation wild-type position mutant-type temp°C(optional) pH(optional) --outdir (optional) Result --out-file (optional) mutation_result
Prediction for list of mutations
python PROST-3D_predict.py -pdb_id RCSB PDB ID -mutlist Path_To_Mutation_List -outdir(optional) Result -out-file(optional) mut_list_Result
python PROST-3D_predict.py -file Path_To_PDB_Structure -mutlist Path_To_Mutation_List -outdir(optional) Result -out-file(optional) mut_list_Result
Examples of how to run a single mutation and list of mutations
python PROST-3D_predict.py -pdb_id 1aky --mutation A V 8 I 25 7 --outdir Result -outfile 1aky_prediction python PROST-3D_predict.py -pdb_id 1aky --mutation-list Input/1aky_mutlist.txt --outdir Result --out_file 1aky_prediction
**Auxiliary files will be stored inside aux_files directory.