This Concordion extension provides the capability to conditionally execute child tests.
The demo project demonstrates this extension.
Determines whether child test should be executed or not. Useful if parts of a specification cannot be executed in all environments a test suite may run against.
- xmlns:ext="urn:concordion-extensions:2010" added to the html so concordion can call the extension from the specification
<html xmlns:c="" xmlns:ext="urn:concordion-extensions:2010">
- Place any concordion commands that you wish to conditionally execute as children of the executeOnlyIf command
- Specification
<div ext:executeOnlyIf="shouldNotExecute()">
<p>When I google "<span c:execute="searchFor(#TEXT)">6 * 9</span>" the answer should be "<span c:assertEquals="getCalculatorResult()">42</span>".</p>
- Fixture
public boolean shouldNotExecute() {
return false;
- Optionally you can use the Embed extension to give a reason you haven't executed part of the spec
- Specification
<span ext:embed="getNotExecuteReason()"></span>
- Fixture
public String getNotExecuteReason() {
String msg = "";
msg += "<p style=\"background-color: #FFCC99; padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #FF6600; margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; font-weight: bold\">";
msg += "The following step has been skipped to prove we can.";
msg += "</p>";
return msg;