A graphics library for 2D Java games using OpenGL/GLFW/LWJGL.
Simply include 'SwagUI vX.X.jar' in your project.
Example 1
Scene2D scene = new Scene2D();
InputHandler input = new InputHandler();
Window window = new Window(1280, 960, "Example 1", scene, input);
scene.getRoot().addTile(new Tile(0, 0, 100, 100)
scene.getRoot().addTile(new Tile(50, 50, 100, 100)
scene.getRoot().addTile(new Button(input, -250, 250, 200, 50)
.onClick((bx, by) -> System.out.println("Hello, World!")));
Example 2
Scene2D scene = new Scene2D();
InputHandler input = new InputHandler();
Window window = new Window(1280, 960, "Example 2", scene, input);
scene.getBackground().addTile(new HorizontalList(
new Tile()
new Tile()
new Tile()
This is by no means a complete UI suite, but rather an ongoing project where I will add new features as I need them. That being said, should anyone request a new feature, I'd be happy to oblige, provided it isn't stupid. (Alternatively, and dare I say even better, you could implement it yourself.)