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Welcome to GitHub Pages (Data Portfolio - Work in Progress)

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.

Project 1: Web Scraping IGN Site using Beautiful Soup

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

Project 2: Data Collecting using Social Media APIs

Project 3: Explorative Data Analysis on Kaggle Dataset

Project 4: Sentimental Analysis on Social Media Commentary

Project 5: Predicting Credit Card Loans with Kaggle with Linear Regression

Project 6: Clustering customers using K-Means

Project 7: Recommendation Engine with Podcast Notes

Project 8: Web App

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

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Seyi Agboola Data Portfolio







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