This repository has been archived by the owner on May 6, 2023. It is now read-only.
Beta 0.3.3-A
Bot update not required but has a few new improvements
- Updated 2018/09/13: russian.yml - by Realm
- Updated 2018/09/13: french.yml - by Barna
- Can no longer try to send messages before connected to discord
- Now sends messages on bot shutdown and properly closes Discord connection before shutdown
- Improved startup and shutdown messages
- Updated to ServerMod 3.1.16
- OnHandCuffed temporarily removed until next Smod version
- Fixed exceptions on startup caused by trying to send messages before loading the language files
- Improved language error handling
- Fixed OnBan when banning through Discord or console
- Removed inputs variable from OnSCP914Activate
- Fixed OnInfect somehow, I think
- Added kickall command