Datatypsimplementationer för kursen datastrukturer och algoritmer vid Institutionen för datavetenskap, Umeå universitet.
Här återfinns implementationer av några av de datatyper som kommer användas
under denna kurs. Nedan följer information om hur dessa kompileras och hur
minimal working examples
körs för varje datatyp.
Headerfilerna för de givna datatyperna är alla samlade i mappen include
. Dessa
kan inkluderas med hjälp av -I
-flaggan till gcc
, se exempel nedan.
Det är möjligt att du får t.ex. följande felmeddelande:
/tmp/ccLd0e5H.o: In function `queue_empty':
queue.c:(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `list_empty'
Detta innebär att du inte anget alla nödvändiga C-filer till kompilatorn. I
fallet ovan saknas list.c
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/array_1d
user@host:~/datastructures/src/array_1d$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ array_1d.c array_1d_mwe1.c -o array_1d_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src$ ./array_1d_mwe1
[ [1], [4], [9], [16], [25], [36] ]
user@host:~/datastructures/src/array_1d$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ array_1d.c array_1d_mwe2.c -o array_1d_mwe2
user@host:~/datastructures/src$ ./array_1d_mwe2
[ [(Jan, 31)], [(Feb, 28)], [(Mar, 31)], [(Apr, 30)], [(May, 31)], [(Jun, 30)], [(Jul, 31)], [(Aug, 31)], [(Sep, 30)], [(Oct, 31)], [(Nov, 30)], [(Dec, 31)] ]
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/array_2d
user@host:~/datastructures/src/array_2d$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ array_2d.c array_2d_mwe1.c -o array_2d_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/array_2d$ ./array_2d_mwe1
[ [ [11], [12], [13] [ [21], [22], [23] [ [31], [32], [33] [ [41], [42], [43] ]
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/list
user@host:~/datastructures/src/list$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ list.c list_mwe1.c -o list_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/list$ ./list_mwe1
List after inserting one value:
( [5] )
List after inserting second value at the end:
( [5], [8] )
List after inserting a third value in the middle:
( [5], [2], [8] )
List after removing first element:
( [2], [8] )
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/dlist
user@host:~/datastructures/src/dlist$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ dlist.c dlist_mwe1.c -o dlist_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/dlist$ ./dlist_mwe1
("Alfons", "Bengt", "Cia", "David", "Florian", "Gunnar")
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/queue
user@host:~/datastructures/src/queue$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ queue.c queue_mwe1.c ../list/list.c -o queue_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/queue$ ./queue_mwe1
QUEUE before dequeuing:
{ [1], [2], [3] }
QUEUE after dequeuing:
{ [2], [3] }
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/stack
user@host:~/datastructures/src/stack$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ stack.c stack_mwe1.c -o stack_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/stack$ ./stack_mwe1
--STACK before popping--
{ [3], [2], [1] }
--STACK after popping--
{ [2], [1] }
user@host:~$ cd ~/datastructures/src/table
user@host:~/datastructures/src/table$ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -I../../include/ table.c table_mwe1.c ../dlist/dlist.c -o table_mwe1
user@host:~/datastructures/src/table$ ./table_mwe1
Table after inserting 3 pairs:
[98185, Kiruna]
[90184, Umea]
[90187, Umea]
Lookup of postal code 90187: Umea.
Table after adding a duplicate:
[90187, Umea (Universitet)]
[98185, Kiruna]
[90184, Umea]
[90187, Umea]
Lookup of postal code 90187: Umea (Universitet).