Libraries in this repository are .NET 8 targetted.
Before you can run the application, you'll need to build the project. Follow the steps below:
Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:
- .NET SDK (version 8.x)
Add SPIN's GitHub Nuget registry:
- Create a GitHub classic token with read:packages enabled.
- Use the following command to add SPIN's Nuget registry as "SPIN-github":
dotnet nuget add source -n SPIN-github -u SPIN-Space-Innovation --store-password-in-clear-text -p ${GITHUB_TOKEN}
git clone
cd SPIN.Installers.Abstractions
Use the following command to restore the project depedencies:
dotnet restore
Use the following command to build the project:
dotnet build --no-restore
SPIN.Installers.Abstractions is licensed under the MIT license.