Arranges windows that match a given regular expression to maximize screen space usage
- Open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022
to this repo.- Run
cl /EHsc /std:c++17 ArrangeInstances.cpp /link User32.lib
. This will generateArrangeInstances.exe
This tool expects two arguments:
- A target aspect ratio desired for all instances, represented as a single floating point number, the result of
. - A regular expression parsed by the
engine. The expression should be placed in quotation marks to match against window titles that should be arranged.
Usage: ArrangeInstances.exe <instanceRatio (width/height)> <ProcessRegEx>
Example: ArrangeInstances.exe 1.33333333333 "Dolphin.* \|.*"
Example: ArrangeInstances.exe 0.666666667 ".*melonDS .*"
Example: ArrangeInstances.exe 1.77777777777 "yuzu Mainline.*"