Our Website : https://duckounting.netlify.app/
Smart Contract : https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xFD912A1e39D08a2c159a5D12954Bb62e78226A25#code
Invoice management is a major part of accounting in businesses both big and small. But all the existing software in this field lack in one aspect – transparency.
We attempt to solve this problem by moving the entire process to the blockchain and the world of Web3. When invoices are generated and maintained on the chain, they become a part of a detailed ledger which makes this process transparent like never before.
We also try to provide Web3 solutions for other problems in the field of accounting such as irregular payments and lack of credibility when working with new business partners.
Start a terminal in the server folder and install all the node modules by running yarn install.
cd server
yarn install
Now, run the command yarn hardhat node to start the server
yarn hardhat node
Now import one of the accounts from the local blockchain server into your MetaMask wallet and copy the RPC URL. You can find it highlighted in green colour on the terminal.
Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
Update the RPC URL and enter the chain id as 31337 in your meta mask wallet in localhost:8545 network
Import one of the accounts provided by the hardhat local node into your meta mask. After importing you should see 10,000 ETH added to your wallet in the localhost network
Go to the client folder and install the node modules by running npm install
cd client
npm install
Now, you can open the website at localhost:3000 on your browser.
On opening the URL, you will be greeted by our home page.
Our home page features a prominent hero section with a 3D interactive model of our
website’s mascot. We have sections dedicated to Web3 literacy where we inform our users
how decentralisation of computing can help them maintain transparency in their
To login, click on the CONNECT WALLET button on the top right and enter your name and
PAN number on the prompt. This will be followed by a prompt from MetaMask which you
have to approve.
Now, you will see your wallet address on the top right and you will be redirected to the
This is the control section of the application. You view the details you logged in with and the NFT you earned for being an awesome user. You can directly jump into action by creating an invoice or by view your past invoices.
This is the tool you’ll be using to create invoices and deploy them on the blockchain. Just key in the relevant details and you are good to go. The invoice amount can be entered in any denomination you feel like – the platform converts it to ETH. You can choose to upload an appropriate proof of the transaction or auto-generate an invoice snapshot.
This is where you’ll find your past transactions. You can sort them, filter them and search using keywords.
You can find all pertinent details here, with the additional option of settling the payment. You can also look up the other party with a single click.
Supports lookup using Wallet Address, PAN and ENS Address.