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Customization for nvChad, that adds "per folder"-configurations (similar to vscode)


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NvChad Custom Config

this config has a few changes compared to NvChads default, example config.

Project specific configurations

You may create a .nvim folder inside any working directory you want.

within there, you can create (as of now) 3 files.

file description
init.lua contains vim specific configurations
lsp.lua to set up the (L)anguage-(S)erver-(P)rotocol for your Project
dap.lua All your configurations for the (D)ebug-(A)dapter-(P)rotocol go here.

Project specific Language Server Settings

In addition to the lsp.lua you can also define configurations for any of the preinstalled languageservers.


These are These have to return a Table with the settings for the Language Server. The returned Settings get mixed into the existing default settings. (So you you only have to change, what you need, not redefine everything).

Language Server File Languages
gopls gopls.settings.lua Go / GoLang
tsserver tsserver.settings.lua Javascript/Typescript
html html.settings.lua HTML
cssls cssls.settings.lua CSS
clangd clangd.settings.lua CLangd

Please refere to the .nvim-example folder in this repo.

DAP configurations.

The Adapters are configured in this Repos dap/adapters/init.lua.

To install them I recommend Mason.
To activate them / make them visible to DAP you need to define an executable Adapter, you need to setup a minimal executable config using the Adapters-Name you got from Mason as the command. = {
    type = "executable",
    command = "chrome-debug-adapter",

DAP configurations.

the "Launch" - configurations are defined on a per project basis again. See the Project specific configuration section above. The go into the [projectroot]/.nvim/dap.lua file

Here is an example, using the Adapter from above to open the Brave-Browser on MacOS, and navigate to a remote servers URL when ever you are on a html, css, or javascript file.

local dap = require("dap")

-- Setup a launch config for each of these 3 filetypes
local filetypes = { "javascript", "html", "css" }

for _, filetype in pairs(filetypes) do
	dap.configurations[filetype] = {
			request = "launch",
			type = "chrome",
			url = "http://localhost:7353",
			webRoot = "${workspaceFolder}",
			runtimeExecutable = "/Applications/Brave Browser",
			userDataDir = true,

To start a Debug-Session just hit <leader>ds

Telescope/Finder changes

key effect
<leader>ff now follows symlinks
<leader>fa now shows all Files in (including hidden once)
<leader>fw disabled
<leader>fs does the live-grep instead

In Visual-Mode enhancements.

you can press one of the following keys to surround what is selected with the following characters

key surround
( (Selected)
[ [Selected]
{ {Selected}
. .Selected.
" "Selected"
' 'Selected'
- -Selected-
_ _Selected_
* *Selected*
~ ~Selected~
/ Selected
` `Selected`

so pressing viw*/ on a word quickly wraps it into a block comment.
word => /*word*/

Also works in Block-Select mode

With any text selected, you can press <S-k> or <S-j> to move selected lines up and down.

at last, while in visual mode you can press <C-r> to bring up a quick replacement command.

Marker Changes

You can use <leader>m0 to <leader>m9 to set global marks in registers A to J.

Pressing m0 to m9 will jump to these.

Tmux Navigation

This Config uses TMUX-Navigation. Therefore navigating between splits is done via <C-h|j|k|l>. If you set up your tmux to do the same, navigation between TMUX and Vim is seemless.

Quick Split creation

via E h|j|k|l you can create a new split in any of the 4 cardinal directions from the current editor.

Markdown Shortcuts

pressing the following sequences in Normale Mode will do:

Sequence Action
qt turn line into a Todo Task
qd turn line into a done Todo Task
qc strike line
qx remove strike and Todo-checkbox


Customization for nvChad, that adds "per folder"-configurations (similar to vscode)





