Available online at http://multiplayer.rigsofrods.org
- PHP version 5.6+
- PHP extension 'sockets' (http://php.net/manual/en/book.sockets.php)
- Copy .php files from directory "publish" to your webserver.
- Run 'multiplayer.sql' script to create + populate database "multiplayer".
- Edit "config.include.php" file as necessary.
Provides a RESTful API to register and query multiplayer servers. Uses JSON.
- version (string, optional): RoRNet protocol version. Should have form 'RoRNet_NN'.
- json (bool, optional): Should output be JSON?
Output: text/html page.
- On success, HTTP 200 + HTML table of webservers (or JSON with 'json' flag) This is to remain compatible with older RoR releases.
- On failure, HTTP 500 + plain text error message.
Input: JSON payload
"name": STRING,
"ip": STRING,
"port": INT,
"terrain-name": STRING (Name of the terrain file, without the '.terrn2' extension),
"max-clients": INT,
"version": STRING (Version of RoRNet protocol. Should have form 'RoRNet_NN'.),
"is-rcon-enabled": BOOL (optional),
"uses-password": BOOL (optional),
"description": STRING (optional),
"is-official": BOOL (Advertise as official, default: false)
Output: JSON in form:
'result': true,
'message': 'Success',
'challenge': CODE (only on success),
'verified-level': NUMBER (only on success)
- On success, HTTP 200 + JSON as above.
- On bad parameters, HTTP 400 + JSON with info.
- If the IP is blacklisted, HTTP 403 + JSON with info.
- If you're not allowed to register an official server, HTTP 403 + JSON.
- If serverlist fails to contact and verify the server, HTTP 503 + JSON.
- If server name already exists, HTTP 409 "Conflict" + JSON.
- On internal failure (database for example), HTTP 500 + JSON with info.
Input: JSON payload
"challenge: : STRING,
"users: [STRING] (array of user nicknames)
Output: JSON in form:
'result': true,
'message': 'Success'
- On success, HTTP 200 + JSON as above.
- On bad parameters, HTTP 400 + JSON with info.
- On internal failure (database for example), HTTP 500 + JSON with info.
Params (submitted via URL):
- challenge (string)
Output: JSON in form:
'result': true,
'message': 'Success'
- On success, HTTP 200 + JSON as above.
- On bad parameters, HTTP 400 + JSON with info.
- On internal failure (database for example), HTTP 500 + JSON with info.