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Demo for RediSearch using the dataset.

Running the Demo

To run the demo:

$ git clone
$ cd redisearch-beer
$ docker-compose up

If something went wrong, you might need to force docker-compose to rebuild the containers

$ docker-compose up --force-recreate --build

Open a second terminal to connect to redis and explore the dataset:

$ redis-cli

Example Queries

After the data is imported, you can query it using RediSearch. Some example commands:

Irish Ale and German Ale beers with ABV greater than 9%:

FT.SEARCH beerIdx "@category:Irish Ale|German Ale @abv:[9 inf]"

All beers with ABV higher than 5% but lower than 6%:

FT.SEARCH beerIdx "@abv:[5 6]"

Breweries in a 10km radius of the coordinates of Chicago, IL USA:

FT.SEARCH breweryIdx "@location:[-87.623177 41.881832 10 km]"


There is a rudimentary flask front end to show search functionality. To access the UI, point your web browser at http://localhost:5000/


  • The beers are added to the RediSearch index weighted by ABV. So by default, the results will be ordered by ABV highest to lowest. Both ABV and IBU are sortable, so you can order results by either of these fields using sortby in the query.
  • The csv files are available on the site, but a small change the beers.csv file because it was malformed. Hence they are part of this repo.