WIP Custom ARM UEFI firmware for Lumia Icon.
Based on Lumia930Pkg by @rickliu2000
Thanks to @konradybcio for tutorial and answer me questions.
- Press ESC (Camera Button) to go to Setup Menu
- Linux boots to green screen and slowly turns to white
- Lot more
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/tianocore/edk2 /Path/To/EDK2/
cd /Path/To/EDK2
git clone https://github.com/RedGreenBlue09/Lumia929Pkg Lumia929Pkg/
Download GCC-5 from here: Linaro GCC-5 Toolchain
And extract to /Path/To/GCC-5/
sudo apt-get install build-essential uuid-dev iasl git gcc-5 nasm python3-distutils
make -C BaseTools
export WORKSPACE=/Path/To/EDK2
export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=/Path/To/EDK2/BaseTools
export GCC5_ARM_PREFIX=/Path/To/GCC-5/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
. edksetup.sh
build -a ARM -p Lumia929Pkg/Lumia929.dsc -t GCC5 -j<NumberOfThreads> -s -n 0
$GCC5_ARM_PREFIX\objcopy -I binary -O elf32-littlearm --binary-architecture arm Build/Lumia929-ARM/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/MSM8974_EFI.fd MSM8974_EFI.fd.elf
$GCC5_ARM_PREFIX\ld MSM8974_EFI.fd.elf -T Lumia929Pkg/FvWrapper.ld -o emmc_appsboot.mbn
- Compile Lumia929Pkg & Copy emmc_appsboot.mbn to EFIESP
- Download compiled BootShim from here: BootShim
- Extract, copy BootShim.efi and ShimStage2.efi to EFIESP & Rename ShimStage2 to Stage2
- Go to MainOS:\EFIESP\Windows\System32\Boot
- Rename resetphone.efi to something
- Copy BootShim.efi to this folder and rename to resetphone.efi
- Add "NoIntegrityChecks" to "Reset Phone Application" entry in BCD of your phone
- Enable DisplayBootMenu in BCD
- Reboot Phone
- At the BootMenu press vol down to boot EDK2
Credit: @imbushuo for creating BootShim.
- Create startup.nsh inside the root of EFIESP and write "exit" inside
- Boot EDK2 and let it boot to Shell without press anything, it will boot to Setup.
- To use Setup:
* Volume Up = Arrow UP
* Volume Down = Arrow Down
* Power Button = Enter
* Camera Button = ESC
- You can boot EFI files by:
Boot Maintenance Manager ---> Boot From File ---> Partition ---> EFI File