This is an example of deployment of one node Scipion Web Tools ( portal started via OCCI on EGI FedCloud. Service deployment is managed by custom Puppet interface which supports r10k (Puppetfile), Hiera bindings and access to Cloudify context (ctx). Tested on CentOS 7.x.
This example was prepared for purposes of Cloud Orchestration Training organized by MU within H2020 West-Life project (
yum install -y ruby-devel openssl-devel gcc gcc-c++ ruby rubygems
gem install occi-cli
make bootstrap
First get valid X.509 VOMS certificate into /tmp/x509up_u1000
have m4
source ~/cfy/bin/activate
make cfy-deploy
If succeeded, see deployed Apache endpoint URL. E.g.:
cfy local outputs
"endpoint": {
"url": ""
and open provided URL in your browser to see working connection between webserver and database.
make cfy-undeploy