A web app for early childhood testing for autism and developmental issues.
npm install
npm run dev
Then open on localhost:8081.
npm run build
Then upload to S3.
To build the dubai version.
npm run build-dubai
Then upload to S3.
- Most of the app is static javascript
- It pushes the results to an AWS lambda (lambda/wmg-email)
- The AWS lambda pushes to Zapier and to Mailgun
- Mailgun sends emails to parent and doctor
- Mailgun also records a reminder date against the subscriber
- Zapier pushes to Google Sheets
- A lambda (lambda/reminder-cron) wakes up every day, gets the full ( :( ) list of subscribers from mailgun, sees if any need to be reminded today, reminds them via mailgun if so.
(in lambda directory)
rm -rf node_modules/wmg-common
npm install
Then upload archive.zip
to lambda as ZIP.