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Fanda Vacek edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 43 revisions

Welcome to the QuickBox wiki!

Many thanks to Michal Cihar and for free localization hosting.

QuickBox is a set of aplications to organize the Orienteering Events.

Single, multi-day events, relays and teams can be organized currently. Tester feedback is very appreciated, so feel free to organize your trainings or events on our QuickEvent application. Releases are available on the Releases page.

There are two modes:

  • Single user with SQLite SQL storage.
  • Multiuser with PostgreSQL storage and SQLite backup. You have to install & configure PostgreSQL on your own in this case (manual in Czech).
  • You can migrate your event from SQLite to Postgres and vice versa whenever you need.

Useful links:

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