Pastebin is a tool that allows seamless connections between different devices. It is, simply put, the fastest, most modern, most reliable, and most extensible 21st-century alternative to emailing yourself.
If Pastebin is unable to detect your IP address for local hosting, or you would like it to host on a particular URL each time, you can specify these parameters as the following environment variables:
export PASTEBIN_HOST='localhost'
export PASTEBIN_PORT='8080'
Above are the default values; change them to match your needs.
- Copy text or URLs to clipboard
- Open up Pastebin and paste them into the text box
- Click the "Go" button
- Scan the QR code or open Pastebin on another computer
- Click the "Copy" button
- Open up Pastebin
- Drag and drop files or directories into the upload box
- Click the "Submit" button
- Scan the QR code or open Pastebin on another computer
- Do Ctrl+D to download the file
This project uses the GPL v3.0 license.