The Quarter Planner project is to help UCI students (currently only for only ICS students but in Beta Phase ...may display inaccurate information...) recommend classes one quarter ahead based on the current courses they have already taken.
Clone the repository on Github
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
from the root directory of your working project to install all dependencies -
streamlit run src/
from the root directory of working project to run the program. -
There is a list of Extra Resources links on the sidebar for additional applications students may find useful.
There are two text boxes.
I. Taken Classes : Insert taken classes student has taken for previous quarters at UCI and pressCTRL + ENTER
depending on Windows or Mac. Example down below.I&CSCI31
II. Preferences : Insert Preferences for courses.
* Please follow specified format and enter[number of cs classes]
[number of GEs]
[start range of units]-[end range of units]
[Undesirable courses (i.e. (I&CS53, COMPSCI161))]
Wait for program to run...Users should be able to scroll down and see the
- Completed Courses and Progress : Indicating what GEs the classes account for
- Course Preferences : Lists the course preferences user typed in
- Course Recommendations : Lists the recommended courses for next quarter