Live Website -
This app is a course selection app with a maximum of 15 credits i.e the user can select a maximum of 5 courses of 3 credits each. User must make an account and login then only they can select and register the courses, after successfully registering for the courses the user can download the pdf containing registered courses, data of registering and name of the user. User can also unsubmit the registered courses and select fresh courses again. This app can be used by educationa institutions to make the courses selection process smooth and easy.
- Easy to use interface.
- Max. Credits to restrict the course selection to 5 courses.
- Login/Signup
- PDF form download with registered courses
- Unsubmit registered courses option
This was a very good project in which I learnt the use of useEffect and redux state management, After the user registers the courses the redux store state changes and thereby useEffect comes into play and makes the request to backend to store the registered courses in the mongoDB database. This project was a very good project to help me grasp the redux(redux-toolkit) in depth with axios request to send data to the backend and how all that data is to be used/managed on the backend/server side.
npm i
- installs all the dependenciesnpm start
- starts the frontend development server on your local machine.