This is a little vue3, .net project, because I wanted to control my pc more with keyboard shortcuts and trying to use the mouse less.
It contains a vue3 frontend with options api and a .net backend. The communication is via websockets and easy to configure.
Currently the backend is only working on windows, a implementation for linux wasn't done yet. I tried to port that also to macos, but there wasnt a way to get the current active window information so it can't detect any window changes and therefore a port is useless.
The backend needs a json file with a list of different apps, more about that later. Then it will check every 5 seconds the current active window and if it changes it will send the information to the frontend which then shows you the shortcuts of the new app.
Dark | Light |
At the moment there isn't a automatically way or frontend configuration which can be used so the json has to be created by hand. Each App needs the following informations:
"WinName":"Discord.exe", //the process name, so the backend can get the shortcut list
"Name":"Discord", // the name of the app which will be shown in the frontend
"Shortcuts":[ // list of all shortcuts you want to display
//there is no limitation for the keys but at some point it will break the layout
// I would not use more than four
"Description":"Switch Servers"
Json Example:
"Description":"Switch Servers"
"Description":"Open new tab"
"Description":"Close current tab"
"Description":"Switch tab"
// Frontend
// Backend
- Github Actions pipeline to build backend and provide compiled resources
- Maintenance of app data in the frontend
- Improving responsive design
- Multi backend support in the frontend, so that if several systems are available, the frontend does not have to be started several times