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Ways of working regular meetings

Josh Liberty edited this page Feb 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

This page describes the regular meetings that take place to coordinate the development and design activities of the Monai workflow manager.

Sub-working group main meeting

Attendees: all working group members
Frequency: weekly
Purpose: to catch up with the entire working group, discuss high-level design activities and decisions, consult with SMEs and review the delivery schedule.

Technical refinement

Attendees: core development team/ technical leads
Frequency: weekly
Purpose: discuss implementation details and low level designs.


Attendees: core development team
Frequency: fortnightly
Purpose: discuss team's ways of working, identify potential areas of improvement and refine processes.

Product demos

Attendees: working group members and the wider Monai community
Frequency: as needed Purpose: showcase new functionality and releases to the wider community.