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The n-Values Time Series Attack (nVITA) is a sparse indirect black-box evasion attack that aims to achieve the adversarial goal (such as enforcing a certain output of the model) on TSF models by altering n values in an input time series. This repository is based on PyTorch. It also contains the implementations of FGSM and BIM for TSF models.

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nVITA -- The adversarial example generation algorithm for time series forecasting (TSF)

This repository is for the nVITA algorithm.

It also contains FGSM and BIM and two baseline attacks BRS and BRNV for TSF.

In addition, Targeted FGSM (FGSMt) and Targeted BIM (BIMt) are also included.

All three attacks in this package

BRS randomly selects the sign of the perturbation. It is the baseline attack method for FGSM, BIM and FullVITA

BRNV randomly selects n values to attack. It is the baseline attack method for nVITA

Raw Data

/raw_data is too large to be uploaded on Github.

Raw data opsd_germany_daily.csv for Electricity can be downloaded here

Raw data GlobalLandTemperaturesByCity.csv for NZTemp here

CNYExch and Oil are downloaded directly from Yahoo Finance by using python library Yfinance in step1_preprocessing.ipynb

Saved Dataset, Models

step1 to step3 have already been run, and result files (split data, trained model) are saved in the result directory.

Notice the experiments cannot be carried out without those result files.

Step 1 data preprocessing

step1_preprocessing.ipynb CANNOT be run without opsd_germany_daily.csv and GlobalLandTemperaturesByCity.csv are placed in /data/raw_data directory.

It preprocesses the data and draws the Autocorrelation Function (ACF) plot with the clean data by using python libary Statsmodels.

Step 2 hyperparameter tuning

step2_hyperparameter_tuning.ipynb splits the data and stores them in /results/splitted_data. It also tunes the hyperparameters of the models and stores them in /experiments/metadata.json

Step 3 model training

step3_train_model.ipynb trains the model with the hyperparameters tunned from step2 and saves the models in /results/saved_model

Running of the code

In order to reproduce the experiment results, and are required to be rerun.


Under the nvita directory to install nvita package, use

 pip install .

The experiment code is mainly based on the following libaries: Pytorch, BLiTZ, Sklearn, SciPy, Numpy, Yfinance, Statsmodels

The visulization code is mainly based on the following libaries: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Autorank

requirements.txt is the package requirments for Windows

requirements_recovered.txt is the package requirements for Linux

Note before running

As mentioned above step1 to step3 have already been run, and the split data and trained models are saved. So running Step 4 and Step 5 would be enough for reproducing the experiments.

NOTE that FGSM and BIM CANNOT attack RF(random forest) while nVITA and fullVITA can.

For NVITA, n = ["1", "3", "5"], but for BRNV, n = 5 alone would be enough.

n = 10 is not included in metadata.json, so it cannot be run currently. We will run it if we have spare time.

NOTE that only the first four datasets have gone through step1 to step3. There will be more datasets after all our experiments have been completed on those four datasets.

Running of the experiments

All files in /results/splitted_data and /results/saved_model are reuqired to run for step4 and step5

Step 4 non-targeted experiments takes the following arguments:

"-d", "--dfname", type=str, the name of dataframe, must be one of the name from ["Electricity", "NZTemp", "CNYExch", "Oil"]

"-s", "--seed", type=int, the seed integer, must be one of the seed from ["2210", "9999", "58361", "789789", "1111111"]

"-m", "--model", type=str, the attacked model name, must be one of the name from ["CNN", "LSTM", "GRU", "RF"]

"-a", "--attack", type=str, the attack name, must be one of the attack name from ["NOATTACK", "BRS", "BRNV", "FGSM", "BIM", "NVITA", "FULLVITA"]

"-e", "--epsilon", type=float, the epsilon for the attack, must be one from ["0.05", "0.1", "0.15", "0.20"]

"-n", "--n", type=int, the n value for BRNV and NVITA. This will be ignored if the attack name is other than "BRNV" and "NVITA". The n value must be one of the ["1", "3", "5"]

Optional "--demo", the demo size integer, must range from 1 to 100. If we don't pass this parameter, we will run the complete experiments. If we pass an integer as demo size, the result output directory will be /examples

Example command for non-targeted demo experiment run:

python experiments\ -d Electricity -s 2210 -m CNN -a NVITA -e 0.2 -n 1 --demo 10

Will run the first 10 test window for experiment (dataset Electricity, seed 2210, model CNN, attack NVITA, epsilon=0.2, n=1)

And results will be saved in /examples/non_targeted_results.

Example command for non-targeted complete experiment run:

python experiments\ -d Electricity -s 2210 -m CNN -a NVITA -e 0.2 -n 1

Will run the all 100 test windows for experiment (dataset Electricity, seed 2210, model CNN, attack NVITA, epsilon=0.2, n=1)

And results will be saved in /results/non_targeted_results.

Step 5 targeted experiments

Apart from ALL of the arguments requires, takes another argument:

"-t", "--target", type=str, the target direction, it must be either "Positive", or "Negative"

Example command for targeted demo experiment run:

python experiments\ -d Electricity -s 2210 -m CNN -a NVITA -e 0.2 -n 1 -t Positive --demo 10

Will run the first 10 test window for (dataset Electricity, seed 2210, model CNN, attack NVITA, epsilon=0.2, n=1, Positive target)

And results will be saved in /examples/targeted_results.

Example command for targeted complete experiment run:

python experiments\ -d Electricity -s 2210 -m CNN -a NVITA -e 0.2 -n 1 -t Positive

Will run the all 100 test window for experiment (dataset Electricity, seed 2210, model CNN, attack NVITA, epsilon=0.2, n=1, Positive target)

And results will be saved in /results/targeted_results.

Result Interpretation

For non-targeted attacks, the absolute error (AE) is measured between the model prediction and ground truth y. Thus, a larger AE indicates better attack performance.

For targeted attacks, the absolute error (AE) is measured between the model prediction and attack goal target value. Thus, a smaller AE indicates better attack performance as we make the model prediction closer to our target after the attack.

Result Visulization

After experiments (step 4 and step 5) are completed.

Jupyter notebook result_visulization_main.ipynb and result_visulization_supp.ipynb can produce the plots for the paper and the supplementary material, respectively.

Notice that those two notebooks would not run appropriately without the result file recorded by step 4 and step 5.

/visualization/main_plots directory stores all the plots in the paper

/visualization/supp_plots directory stores all the plots in the paper


The n-Values Time Series Attack (nVITA) is a sparse indirect black-box evasion attack that aims to achieve the adversarial goal (such as enforcing a certain output of the model) on TSF models by altering n values in an input time series. This repository is based on PyTorch. It also contains the implementations of FGSM and BIM for TSF models.







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