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To deploy this submodule to heroku verify that you have made a commit in the campos-clientes-vittal and it have been reflected properly in odooku!

  • If After deployment in heroku sometimes you get something like "...upper package must be a module..." deploy again the aplication.

  • If you made changes in models or forms , you need to login via bash in heroku:

heroku run bash -a erste-staging

and the run:

odooku database update (this command take a while)

This update database changes, but you need to reflect the changes in the correspondent App. via:

-> Applications, select the correct app and then press "Update" button

this operation reflects th changes.

  • Note:

This development is based on a main Module: "Odoo" and various submodules, like "campos_clientes_vittal", when you made changes on a submodule made sure you reflect the submodule change on the parent app. and make sure that the parent app points to the correct commit on the submodule.

  • Vagrant Ambient:

cd /vagrant

source virtualenv/bin/activate

cd odoo/

./odoo-bin -r vagrant -w vagrant -d db_odoo --db_host --addons-path=addons,prescrypto/campos_clientes_vittal --dev=all -u campos_clientes_vittal,account,contacts,sale,product,base,l10n_mx,contract,models_export_vittal,base,board,account,crm --log-request --log-response --log-web --log-level=debug --logfile=/vagrant/logs/prescrypto_odoo.log --logrotate

cd /mnt/prescrypto-odoo

./odoo-bin -r odoo -w odoo -d db_odoo --db_host db --addons-path=addons,prescrypto/campos_clientes_vittal,prescrypto/rest_api --dev=all -u campos_clientes_vittal,account,contacts,sale,product,base,l10n_mx,contract,models_export_vittal,base,board,account,crm,rest_api --log-request --log-response --log-web --log-level=debug --logfile=prescrypto_odoo.log --logrotate



  • Extra Modules add module journal cancel to enable invoice cancelation

docker compose exec web bash

docker compose up -d --build

admin / admin

Install Requird Odoo modules

1 - Contacts Directory 2 - Timesheets 3 - Project 4 - Forum 5 - Discuss 6 - CRM 7 - Sales 8 - Dashboards 9 - Invoicing 10 - Website Builder 11 - Accounting and Finance 12 - Employee Directory 13 - REST API Andrey Sinyanskiy SP Installed 14 - Online Events 15 - Calendar 16 - Campos de Clientes

Run using configuration file

cd /mnt/prescrypto-odoo; ./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf

Updating modules

cd /mnt/prescrypto-odoo ./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf -u campos_clientes_vittal,account,contacts,sale,product,base,l10n_mx,contract,models_export_vittal,base,board,account,crm,rest_api


cd /mnt/prescrypto-odoo; tail -f prescrypto_odoo.log

Backup Database

pg_dump -U odoo -h db db_odoo > odoo10_backup.sql

python3 --config=/etc/odoo/odoo.conf --database=db_odoo --update=all

docker compose exec web bash

docker compose exec -u root -ti web bash

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf --update=all –stop-after-init

docker compose logs -f | tee log.txt

docker compose cp d52s4kko2tbtip_2024-08-12_21-21-52.dump db:/latest.dump

docker compose exec -it db pg_restore -U odoo -d db_odoo060724 /latest.dump

docker compose exec -it db pg_restore -U odoo --dbname=d52s4kko2tbtip --no-owner /latest.dump

docker compose exec -it db psql -U odoo -d postgres CREATE DATABASE d52s4kko2tbtip; \q

./odoo-bin -d d52s4kko2tbtip --i18n-overwrite --update=all


Modulo con campos personalizados para clientes de Vittal.






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