App provides ability to store templates in database and localize it using django-modeltranslation app. It is useful if you need to change template content too often and you don't want to recompile all ugettext messages all the times. It is also suitable for email templates.
Tested on Django 1.4.5.
- Django
- django-modeltranslation
Install python library using pip:
pip install django-templates-i18n
in your Django settings fileSync and migrate your database
Specify desired languages in your Django settings file:
from django.utils.translation import gettext LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' LANGUAGES = ( ('en', gettext('English')), ('de', gettext('German')), )
commands (frommodeltranslation
You can pass it to template renderer as follows:
from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template import Template, Context from django.views.generic import View from templates_i18n.models import Template_i18n class MyView(View): def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): template_i18n = Template_i18n.objects.get(machine_name='my-template') template = Template(template_i18n.content) context = Context({'user': request.user}) return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
or you can use it to send emails as well:
from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.template import Template, Context from templates_i18n.models import Template_i18n def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): template_i18n = Template_i18n.objects.get(machine_name='my-template') template = Template(template_i18n.content) context = Context({'user': request.user}) message = template.render(context) send_mail('Subject here', message, '[email protected]', ['[email protected]'], fail_silently=False)
Library is by Erik Telepovsky from Pragmatic Mates. See our other libraries.