Added language option in config.yml (default: en)
Added case insensitive permission checking
Added '/pr dump' to upload server & powerranks data
Added '/pr config enable/disable casesensitive_permissions'
Added '/pr config set language '
Added '/pr config set autosave_files_interval '
Added tablist sorting
Added '/pr config <enable/disable> <tablist_sorting/reverse_tablist_sorting>'
Updated language manager, new lang.yml format
Updated buyrank & rankup to set the rank instead of adding it
Fixed getEffectivePermissions() reporting wrong permissions
Fixed permission check when the permission in question isn't added to the rank
Fixed bug where requesting buyable ranks on an non-existing rank results in a crash
Fixed issue #28 The format can now be escaped. eg. [[player]] -> [svenar]
Fixed issue #36 sending placeholders to PAPI without PowerRanks processing colors
Fixed issue #45 wildcard permissions are not handled correctly
Fixed issue #46 PlaceholderAPI placeholders can no longer be formatted in chat messages
Fixed rank sorting when a rank is null (o1 & o2 error)
Fixed changing the config file using commands overwriting other config keys
Fixed chat color formatting.
You can’t perform that action at this time.