Our right hand to write Discord bots
With decorators (Need babel)
* You may import migi don't forget to run "npm install @popcorn.moe/migi" (if you use npm or see how to use yarn)
import Migi, { command, on } from '@popcorn.moe/migi'
* A class is a Module for Migi
class Ping {
* Create a command by passing a regex in the @command annotation
* Every arguments is given by discord.js (channel)
* and you have "args" its a string of every arguments passed on this command
@command(/^ping(?: (.*))?$/)
ping({ channel }, arg) {
channel.send(`Ping ${arg}!`)
* Register a event by passing a event name in the @on annotation
* The method who is annoted with this annotation will be execute when the event is called
* Every arguments is given by discord.js
onReady() {
//Create a new Migi instance
const migi = new Migi({
root: __dirname
//Just load the module 'Ping'. if you don't do that your code will never be runned
//Say Ready XXXXX when your bot is ready ...
migi.on('ready', () => console.log(`Ready @${migi.user.tag}`))
//Connect migi with your DISCORD_TOKEN
* You may import migi don't forget to run "npm install @popcorn.moe/migi" (if you use npm, or see how to use yarn)
const { Migi } = require('@popcorn.moe/migi')
* A class is a Module for Migi
class Ping {
* Here you have an instance of migi
* In the constructor if you don't use babel you may register your command, and listen some events
constructor(migi) {
* Register a command by passing in the first arguments the regex,
* secondly the module (here) and lastly the name of the function to run
migi.command(/^ping(?: (.*))?$/, this, 'ping')
* Here you can listen some events just by using the listen function.
* In first you may give the event name, secondly the module (here), lastly the function to run
migi.listen('ready', this, 'onReady')
* Every arguments is given by discord.js (channel)
* and you have "args" its a string of every arguments passed on this command
ping({ channel }, arg) {
channel.send(`Ping ${arg}!`)
* Every arguments is given by discord.js
onReady() {
//Create a new Migi instance
const migi = new Migi({
/* Used to read the config */
root: __dirname,
/* Trigger your bot when you update a message (like a command) */
messagesUpdate: true
//Just load the module 'Ping'. if you don't do that your code will never be runned
//Say Ready XXXXX when your bot is ready ...
migi.on('ready', () => console.log(`Ready @${migi.user.tag}`))
//Connect migi with your DISCORD_TOKEN
You can see a list of every events here Documentation of discord.js here