Track the pizza you eat over the year !
@mrhelmut had the wonderful idea to keep us updated on twitter every time a pizza is consumed.
This app crunch the data into beautiful 3d charts.
Every 20min a aws lambda kicks in and fetch the latest tweets.
Two strategies for the twitter api:
- using the search endpoint, but it only allows to get tweets not older than 7 days
- get all the tweet and filter after, which is obviously costly in term of request and api credit
As storage, the crawler writes on a gist file.
The cute pizzas used as particles are generated procedurally from a random seed.
The charts are drawn with vanilla webgl. From handmade shaders.
Deployment on aws is automated with serverless.
Static assets are served from github pages. ( there is also a lambda ready to serve the assets, but the url is less friendly )
Github actions automatically run tests and deployment on commit.
yarn install
yarn dev