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STM32 Flight controller

Implementing a flight controller for a small quadcopter. UAV is controlled through ELRS transmitter.

What's done:

  • single roll/pitch PID control loop, stabilization using gyroscope (accro mode) readings.
  • double roll/pitch PID control loop, stabilization using accelerometer/gyroscope readings.
  • yaw stabilization using gyroscope readings.
  • yaw stabilization using magnetometer/gyroscope readings.
  • acceleration stabilization using accelerometer readings.
  • configuration through wi-fi.
  • altitude hold (kind of, yet tested only within 2.5 meters range)


  • MCU: STM32F303CBT6
  • Crystall oscillator: 16 Mhz
  • DC-DC converter for control board and camera: TPS5430
  • Control board voltage regulator: AMS1117-3.3
  • Accelerometer/Gyroscope: MPU6050
  • Magnetometer: QMC5883L
  • Remote control: ERLS CRSF receiver
  • Telemetry/debug: ESP8266 (ESP-07)
  • Barometer: HP206C

Project structure

  • additional -- the directory containing schematics for the flight controller and BEC:
    • side1.png -- first side of flight controller board that is faced down.
    • side2.png -- second side of flight controller board that is faced up.
    • tps5430.JPG -- DC-DC conveter used to convert battery voltage to 5 volts used by main board's input LDO and FPV camera.
  • devices -- drivers for devices used by the flight controller:
    • device.h -- main interface for a character device. Used by almost all devices in devices directory.
    • bmp280.c and bmp280.h -- driver for a bmp280 barometer (currenty unused).
    • crsf.c and crsf.h -- driver for the CRSF protocol used by a ERLS receiver to interract with the main MCU through UART.
    • esp8266.c and esp8266.h -- driver that process AT command used to interact with an esp8266 (esp-07 board to be precise) throught UART.
    • hmc5883l.c and hmc5883l.h -- driver for an HMC5883L magnetometer (currently unused).
    • hp206c.c -- driver for a HP206C barometer.
    • mpu6500.c and mpu6500.h -- I2C driver for mpu6050 and mpu6500 IMUs (accelerometer + gyroscope).
    • qmc5883l.c and qmc5883l.h -- driver for an QMC5883L magnetometer.
  • main.c -- all routines related to flight control.
  • dsp.c and dsp.h -- functions for PID control and data filtering like low-pass filtering and complimentary filtering.
  • uartdebug.c and uartdebug.h -- uartprintf function for debugging.
  • all other files are generated by software.
  • rc/rc.c -- configuration tool that works through wi-fi connection created by flight controller.

UAV commands

Debug and configuration is performed through AP named copter created by this UAV. Listed commands should be sent using UDP/IP to address

  • info (mpu | qmc | hp | values | pid) -- mpu6050/qmc5883L/hp206c/control values/PID data
  • r -- turn off motors
  • e -- turn on motors
  • c [altitude] -- recalibrate
  • calib mag (on|off) -- enter/escape magnetometer calibration mode
  • pid (tilt|stilt|yaw|syaw|sclimb) (p|i|d) {val} -- set tilt/tilt speed/yaw/yaw speed/climb speed PID P/I/D value
  • pid (tilt|yaw) (single/double) -- switch to single/double PID loop mode for tilt/yaw
  • compl {val} -- set complimentary filter's time constant for tilt
  • lpf (climb|pressure) {val} -- set low-pass filter's time constant for climb speed/pressure
  • adj (roll|pitch|yaw) {val} -- set offset for roll/pitch/yaw (only for dual PID loop mode)
  • adj mag (x0|y0|z0|xscale|yscale|zscale|decl) {val} -- set x/y/z offset, x/y/z scale or magnetic declination for magnetometer

Quadcopter parameters

  • Motors: 1204
  • Props: 3016
  • Battery: 11.1v (3s), 1100 mAh, 60c
  • Frame: plywood

Quadcopter Weight

  • PCB and ESCs: ~57g
  • Motors + props: 27g
  • Battery: 67g
  • Frame + wires: ~59g
  • Total weight: 220g