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Mod for pxtone Collage that adds some shiny features


Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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Mod for pxtone Collage that adds some shiny features


The program is extremely invasive to ptCollage.
This project makes extensive use of unsafe code (read: raw memory manipulation, raw function calls into memory, ASM injection).
There is a chance it could explode your ptCollage at any moment and it has not been tested extensively.
I would recommend not actually using this while composing right now.
If you must, save often and make some backups - if it randomly segfaults or something your unsaved changes will be very lost.

ptcMod may be flagged by antiviruses as a side effect of how it works. The way ptcMod injects into ptCollage is similar to how some viruses hook other processes, and some antiviruses will detect this. Obviously I can say this repo (PieKing1215/ptcMod) and official builds do not actually contain malware, but if you want to be sure, look over the code and build from source.


The goal is to continuously support at least both ptCollage and whatever the latest version is.
Currently and (-> #22) are fully supported.

Basic usage

Have ptCollage.exe open and run the injector exe.
A popup should appear on ptCollage saying it injected, and a new menu option "PTC Mod" should appear in the menu bar.
You can edit the mod's settings there, or click "Uninject" to close ptcMod.
(ptcMod does not modify the actual ptCollage exe file, so you can also just close and reopen it to get rid of the mod)


FPS Unlock

If enabled, removes the fps limiting present in ptc
(note: the fps counter only goes to 99 in vanilla ptc, but this mod also patches it so it can display 3 digits)

Scroll Hook

Enables custom scrolling handling. Some other features require this, and will be grayed out if scroll hook is disabled.
Having this enabled means the window is redrawn each frame, which results in far more GPU usage.

Smooth Scroll

If enabled, the song is scrolled smoothly while playing instead of snapping to each measure.
Disable the vanilla "scroll" button in the player window to stop flickering.
Requires Scroll Hook.


If enabled, draws a vertical line at the song's current position while playing.
Requires Scroll Hook.

Colored Units

Each unit can have a different color, instead of them all being orange.
Currently hardcoded but will become customizeable.
Currently only applies in unit view; will be extended to keyboard view at some point.

Volume Fade

If enabled, when the song is playing notes will have varying transparency based on their volume and velocity.
Currently only applies in unit view; will be extended to keyboard view at some point.
High performance impact.

Note Pulse

If enabled, notes will pulse whiteish when they are played.
Currently only applies in unit view; will be extended to keyboard view at some point.
Requires Scroll Hook.

Misc other things

Drag and drop pxtone web URLs ("Drop URLs" option)

Planned Features

(Also see the Project page)

Performance improvements (custom note rendering is extremely unoptimized)

More scrolling options - like snap to beat, or only scroll when the playhead is close to the right of the screen.

Playhead timing adjustment (so you can compensate for latency)

Remove/raise the project title editor character limit since it saves/loads longer names just fine.

Increase the number of buffer measures after the end of the song so you can scroll further.

Smooth line/curve tool for volume panel.

Auto backup tool that automatically backs up the opened song at certain intervals or something.

Tempo change tool - enter a list of tempo changes and it will reposition notes/events to match.

VST support

Soundfont support

Probably some more I can't think of.

Feel free to suggest more on the issue tracker!


For "stable" releases (there are none right now), see Releases.
For dev builds: sign in to GitHub, go here, click the latest one, scroll down to "Artifacts" and download it.
Or download at
Unzip and run ptc-mod.exe to run.



This project contains no code from the original ptCollage or pxtone tools.

ptcMod licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Mod for pxtone Collage that adds some shiny features




Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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No releases published

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