class aboutMe:
def __init__(self, year=2025):
self.name = "Spencer Riley"
self.role = "Ph.D. Candidate"
self.pronouns = ["They", "Them"]
self.funFact = "My favorate animal is the whale shark"
self.focus = "High-Resolution spectral analysis with the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope."
self.papers = ["https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-15-1563-2022"]
self.todoList = {"2025": ["[ ] Write first first-author paper"],
"2024": ["[4/4] Pass my Doctoral Qualifying Exams",
"[x] Write an observing proposal for DKIST",
"[x] Pass Ph.D candidacy exam"],
"2022": ["[x] Get into graduate school",
"[x] Published first paper ({pub})".format(pub=self.papers[0])]}
self.code = {"fontend": ["HTML/CSS", "JavaScript"],
"backend": ["Shell", "Python", "IDL", "R", "C", "Fluter"],
"devops": ["Docker", "GitHub Actions"],
"tools": ["Jupyter Notebooks"],
"misc": ["LaTeX"]}
def goals(self):
📘Jiong_2012: [Heating of Flare Loops with Observationally Constrained Heating Functions]
📘Klimchuk_2008: [Highly Efficient Modeling of Dynamic Coronal Loops]
📘Panos_2018: [Identifying Typical Mg ii Flare Spectra Using Machine Learning]
📘Graham_2015: [Temporal Evolution of Multiple Evaporating Ribbon Sources in a Solar Flare]
📘DePonieu_2014: [The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)]
📘Rast_2021: [Critical Science Plan for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST)]
📘Fisher_1989: [Dynamics of Flare-driven Chromospheric Condensations ]
📘Kuridze_2018: [Spectropolarimetric Inversions of the Ca II 8542 Å Line in an M-class Solar Flare]
📘Fisher_1989: [Dynamics of Flare-driven Chromospheric Condensations]
📔Rajhans_2022: [Flows in Enthalpy-based Thermal Evolution of Loops]
📔Ding_2001: [On the Fast Fluctuations in Solar Flare Hα Blue Wing Emission]
📔Reva_2022: [Observations of Current Sheet Heating in X-Ray during a Solar Flare]