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Conviz is a convolutional neural network layer visualization library developed in Python and used with Keras.
pip install conviz
from conviz.models import cifar10
from conviz.utils.image_util import ImageUtil
from conviz.visualizer import Visualizer
# Loads a model trained on the CIFAR10 dataset
model = cifar10.load()
# Creates and binds a visualizer to the model
visualizer = Visualizer(model)
# Gets the layer of the model to visualize
layer = model.get_layer("conv1")
# Generates the visualization for the selected layer as a 4 by 4 grid of filters
img = visualizer.visualize(layer, (4, 4), ga_rate=0.1, num_steps=1000)
# Saves the generated visualization image to a file
ImageUtil.save_image(img, "./conv1.png")