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DocuWorks Text Editor Assessment

Reads a text file text.txt and performs various functions on it as required by the Product Owner.

Code style: black

Text editor that performs various functions as follows:

  • Display text.
  • Search text for a user-input phrase.
  • Search for a user-input phrase and replace it.
    • Following this, allow the user to save text as a new file.
  • List the most common words seen in the text.
  • Find and list all palindromes.
  • Find and list all individual words which are palindromes.
  • List all email addresses found in the text.
  • Show the secret message in the text.
    • Secret message is encoded as mid-word upper case characters.
    • Secret message uses Caesar Cipher with shift 13.


Make sure you have Python 3 installed.

Clone the repository to your directory of choice. If you use git you can follow these commands in order:

cd [path/to/directory]
git clone

Next up, create and activate a virtual environment (venv):

python -m venv venv

OS X and Linux

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Application

OS X and Linux

python ./docuworksProject/ [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


python .\docuworksProject\ [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Table of Contents

  1. Custom Exceptions
  2. MyTextProcessor Class
    • display
    • iterSearch
    • replace
    • save
    • findCommon
    • findPalindromes
    • findPalindromeWords
    • findSecret
  3. LoadApp Functions and Click
  4. Definition of done Checklist

  1. Custom Exceptions:

class NoPalindromesError(Exception):
class NoEmailAddressesError(Exception):

These exceptions are raised in the MyTextProcessor class under findPalindromes and findEmails respectively, when the text is processed and contains no palindromes or email addresses.

As an example, both palindromes and emails are checked as an empty list:

if (
    palindromes == []
    raise NoPalindromesError

This raises the __str__ component of NoPalindromesError(Exception) class:

def __str__(self):
    return f"The processed string contains no palindromes."

  1. MyTextProcessor Class:

class MyTextProcessor(TextProcessor):

Calls TextProcessor(ABC) abstract class.

TextProcessor contains all the primary features of the program, seen as functions. It is made up of the following functions:

def load(self, path):

Opens the text file under Path text.txt under read "r" as a file, and stores it in self.text. This variable is used in the rest of the MyTextProcessor functions as a string file to perform actions on:

with click.open_file(path, "r") as file:
    self.text =

def display(self):

Simply prints the self.text string:


def iterSearch(self, searchPhrase):

Uses import re function finditer to iteratively search through the self.text string using searchPhrase and stores it in result:

result = re.finditer(
    searchPhrase, self.text

re.finditer outputs an iterator datastream, from which the index numbers have to be printed.

Indices are acquired by

indices = [
    (index.start(), index.end() - 1) for index in result

after which the starting and ending indices for each word matched are printed.

def replace(self, searchStr, replaceStr):

Makes use of import re function sub to substitute (replace) self.text substrings searchStr with replaceStr and then prints the new text:

newTxt = re.sub(searchStr, replaceStr, self.text)

def save(self, path):

Can be called to open a file as 'write' "w" following path input:

with click.open_file(path, "w") as newFile:

It makes sure to write at the beginning of the file, regardless of if it is a new file or not with .seek(0)

def findCommon(self, limit):

Is used to find the most common words in the text, ranked by limit set by the user input.

words = self.text.split(" ")

Splits the entire text string into a list, where each word is a list item. This makes it easier to count the number of common words.

words_count = Counter(words).most_common()

Counter() is used from the collections module to create a dictionary words_count with their key as popularity, value as number of occurrences. These are then printed:

for x in range(limit):
                f"Most frequent word place {x + 1} is: ",
                f" with {words_count[x][1]} counts.",

click.secho is used to provide colouring and formatting options, to more easily distinguish the data set when printed.

def findPalindromes(self) -> list:

This function makes extensive use of substrings and string slicing to compare every substring of this.text to its inverted counterpart.

To clarify, This function finds any palindromes in the extreme sense, as any word, phrase or letters of which can give the same result when reversed. If the client only wants palindromes as words (which wasn't specified), instead each word in text could be added to a list using string slicing, then loop through the list, comparing each entry to its inverted counterpart.

Firstly the text is converted to lower case and has its spaces and its newlines "\n" removed as they will interfere with processing palindromes:

string = self.text.lower().replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "")

By which

stringLength = len(string)

makes sure we know how many times to loop through the entirety of the text. We also make sure to store the palindromes found in a list aptly named palindromes

We will use the click module to provide a progressbar as this loop might take a while to complete, depending on the length of the text given:

with click.progressbar(
    ) as bar:

Now we use the stringLength variable to loop through the entire text, slicing each segment and comparing it to its inverse. The inverse of the substring is [::-1]. Since we are doing temporary comparisons and storing the palindrome in a list, we use a temp variable to store strings:

for i in bar:
    for j in range(i + 1, stringLength + 1):
        temp = string[
        if len(temp) > 2:
            if (
                temp == temp[::-1]

i in bar is used instead of i in stringLength because we are using click to create a progressbar

Finally we check if any palindromes were found, raise a NoPalindromesError if not, else return them to be printed:

if (
    palindromes == []
    raise NoPalindromesError 
    return palindromes

def findPalindromeWords(self) -> list:

In some ways similar to the previous function.

Instead of looping through each character with a nested loop to find any phrase that is a palindrome, it instead uses .split(" ") to store every full-length word into a list. After that, we make sure to remove punctuation, and use list comprehension to store each word that is at least 3 characters long into a new list:

validWords = []
for word in words:
    word = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", "", word)

validStrings = [string for string in validWords if len(string) > 2]

We use re.sub to specify a substitution of strictly punctuation with an empty string for each word.

Finally, similarly to the previous function, we loop through the validStrings list and use string comprehension to compare each word to its reverse counterpart:

with click.progressbar(
) as bar:
    for i in bar:
        temp = validStrings[i]
        if temp == temp[::-1]:

Returns palindromes list if it is not empty, otherwise raises NoPalindromesError.

def findEmails(self):

Regular expressions are a powerful tool to find specific substrings in the text. In this case we want to find email substrings.

There are a few characters that set emails apart from the rest, mainly the '@' symbol. We can use re.findall to find all substrings specified by the regular expression and add them to the list emails:

emails = re.findall(

Since we want to avoid invalid email addresses, we use the regex lookahead functionality:


Specifies a negative lookahead ?! for the period \. following another period. This avoids email addresses that have multiple periods following each other directly, which is invalid.

Just like with the previous function, if no emails are found we raise an exception:

if emails == []:
    raise NoEmailAddressesError
    for i in range(len(emails)):
        click.echo(f"Email {i + 1}: {emails[i]}")

def findSecret(self):

Uses unicode functionality to solve a Caesar Cipher found hidden within the text as a secret.

Since the text file text.txt contains several words with upper-case characters randomly spread within, we can use re.findall to store a list of all of these words:

capitalwords = re.findall(r"[a-z]+[A-Z]+[a-z]+", self.text)

This regular expression simply finds one or more [A-Z] between lower case characters [a-z] and stores them in list capitalwords

Now we need to extract the upper-case characters from these words. This is done through list comprehension, where each string word in capitalwords is looped through, seeing which character char is upper case. Each upper case character is put into list upper:

upper = []
for word in capitalwords:
    string = ""
    string = [
        char for char in word if char.isupper()

We need to use .pop() as we are using list comprehension to loop through the characters in word, otherwise upper would have nested lists within itself.

The shift for the Caesar Cipher in this particular text is 13, so we define that before using .join() on upper to turn our list into a single string of upper-case characters:

shift = 13
encryptedString = ""
encryptedString = encryptedString.join(upper)

Finally we use unicode's internal functions in Python ord and chr to first convert each char in encryptedString into its respective unicode, find its index position, and shift it by 13. Then we convert it back to a character and add it to decryptedString:

for char in encryptedString:
    uni = ord(char)

    index = uni - ord("A")

    new_index = (index - shift) % 26

    new_uni = new_index + ord("A")

    new_char = chr(new_uni)

    decryptedString += new_char

The modulus for 26 is used as there are 26 characters in the alphabet, so the character will loop back from 26 to 0 if shifted beyond.

decryptedString is then printed.

  1. LoadApp Functions and Click

LoadApp() is called several times within nested functions of main(). This function simply calls the MyTextProcessor Class as app and performs app.load() function on text.txt:

app = MyTextProcessor()
return app

The remaining nested functions simply take user input, process it, and call upon LoadApp(), and hence the MyTextProcessor Class to process user input as seen above.

As an example, the replace() function uses click arguments searchphrase and replacephrase supplied by the user. It also has the click option --save which is a boolean value that determines whether the user wants to save the new text as a new file:

app = loadApp()
app.replace(searchphrase, replacephrase)

if save:
    fileName = click.prompt('Please enter a file name', type=str)
    fileName = fileName + ".txt"
    click.echo(f"Saved {fileName} succesfully.")

Error management is performed on user input automatically through click prompt formatting.

Definition of done Checklist

  • The application is written in Python 3.

  • The application doesn't depend on third-party packages.

  • Any third-party packages are described in a requirements.txt file.

  • Consider using a virtual environment.

  • The application is documented.

  • Documentation is written in Markdown and saved as

  • The application can run on the Product Owner's machine.

    • The application was tested on another machine during production.
  • The application is tested.

    • Every module and function has been tested personally. Since I'm not very experienced with unit tests, I wasn't able to test the complete code base using pytest.
  • Changes in the application's code are tracked by Git.

  • Changes are committed early and often.

    • At least after each user story, see commit history.

    • Commit messages are descriptive and useful.

  • The code follows PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code.

    • Used Black for style.
  • There are no abbreviations used.

  • New functions don't break existing functions.

    • All functions exist separately in the MyTextProcessor Class and as separate click commands.
  • Document how to run it.


Docuworks assessment text editor






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