This docker image installs docker-compose on top of the docker
image, and uses bash as the default shell.
This is very useful for CI pipelines, which leverage "Docker in Docker".
This image is built using the offical docker image as base, adds bash as the default shell and installs these tools: git rsync jq curl
You may use it like this in your .gitlab-ci.yml
image: peaceworks/docker-compose-ci:latest
- docker:dind
- docker info
- docker-compose --version
build image:
stage: build
- docker-compose build
As of version 19.03, docker:dind will automatically generate TLS certificates and require using them for communication.
See tmaier/docker-compose#21 (comment)
Jason Hildebrand for PeaceWorks Technology Solutions, building on work by Tobias L. Maier for BauCloud GmbH