A simple application to upload large files and share them instantly.
- Download and install MongoDB on your system: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
- Start the Mongo deamon
- Clone and cd into the repo
- Go into the server folder
- Create a .env file at the root specifying:
JWT_SECRET=<SET_RANDOM_SECRET_KEY/> - use 'openssl rand -base64 32' to create a secret key DB_CONNECTION=<SET_DB_CONNECTION/> - on localhost mostly: mongodb://localhost:27017/ DB_NAME=<SET_DB_NAME/> - the name of a new or already existing db BUCKET_NAME=<SET_BUCKET_NAME/> - the name of the bucket where your files will be stored PORT=<SET_SERVER_PORT/> - the port on which your express server will be started. Default is 5000
- install node_modules with yarn install
$ yarn install
- install nodemon globally: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodemon
- start the server
$ yarn run dev
- Go into the client folder
- Create a .env file at the root specifying:
REACT_APP_SERVER_HOST=<SERVER_HOST /> - default should be: http://localhost:5000/
- install node_modules with yarn install
$ yarn install
- start the react development server
You can now sign up and upload your first files!
$ yarn run start