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Salvatore D'Agositno edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 14 revisions

Party Stream API

This is the API for the Party Stream project. It is a RESTFul API that runs on Node.js and on Heroku's servers.

NB: The URL for accessing the Production API on heroku is:




If you are working on any of these projects, there are some guidelines that I would like to follow:


First thing's first, please work off your forked copy of the repository. Do no work directly on the repository on my account. If you are new to Github, here is a introduction to Forking.

Git Flow

If you haven't been using a good workflow with git, may I introduce: Git flow, the only workflow you'll ever need to know about! I use this religiously as it helps keep source control simple and easy - especially for collaborations. I will be using this on each of the projects and I suggest you use it on your forks as well. It will keep it simple when it comes time to create your pull requests. If you use Source Tree it actually incorporates git flow – which is really helpful. They have both windows and mac versions.

Pull Requests

When you're done working on a feature and are ready to bring it to the main repository, please make your pull requests to the Develop branch. Nothing should ever be merged into the master branch as it is reserver for stable releases (see git flow). That's it for now, I will add more as the project progresses. Thanks ahead of time for all those interested in the collaborations.

Once you're setup and ready to start contributing, we need to let everyone else know what you're working on. For this, we will use Issues. If you see an issue that you'd like to work on, assign it to yourself. Otherwise, simply create an issue specifying what you are implementing and assign it to yourself.

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