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Building and Running

imnotkind edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 5 revisions


Docker and Docker-compose are required to run


  • Docker: >= 18.03.1-ce
  • Docker-compose: >= 1.17.1

Downloading other dependencies and building is taken care by docker and docker-compose

Setting Environment

There is two given sample configuration for use.

Development (Debug)

You can copy to docker-compose.override.yml to configure the running environment under debug mode. You have to fill the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY field in the file to make system work properly.

In development mode, your source code base is mounted on the container which makes your code changes immediately applied to the running environment.

Production (Release)

You can use docker-compose.override.production.yml to docker-compose.override.yml to configure the running environment under release mode. Also, you have to fill the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY and DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS field in the file to make system work properly.

In production mode, any failures occurred will be silenced in webpage but only be recorded in log file. For static serving and uploaded files, it will mount a corresponding folders on the container to prevent loss of data between image rebuilds. However, your source code is hard copied to the container, so any code changes outside the container will not affect the running service.


Building image

When the override configuration is properly set, images can be built using following command

docker-compose build

docker-compose and docker will take care of python related dependencies and database server.

Running service

Service will run when using the command:

docker-compose up  # (will attach stdout to container)
docker-compose up -d  # (will run background)

Also, you can update the code inside the running container by:

docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build web

Managing service

Django management console will be accessible using:

docker-compose exec web python …

So, the following commands are possible to use:

docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser  # (Create user with privileges)
docker-compose exec web python makemigrations  # (Create migration file from model changes)
docker-compose exec web python migrate  # (Execute migration to sync db with models)
docker-compose exec web python shell