Hardcoding the hostname seems a bit fishy
root@offshore:~/test# fig ps Name Command State Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test_redis_1 redis-server Up 6379/tcp test_web_1 uwsgi --http ... Up 9900->8080/tcp root@offshore:~/test# docker inspect test_web_1 | grep -i hosts "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/a00b...30/hosts", root@offshore:~/test# cat /var/lib/docker/containers/a00b...30/hosts a00b183fb8c2 # ... test_redis_1 redis_1
Persistence is magical, a little too implicit for my tastes
root@offshore:~/test# docker inspect test_redis_1 | grep -C 2 /data "User": "redis", "Volumes": { "/data": {} }, "WorkingDir": "/data" }, "Created": "2014-08-23T02:14:41.412924439Z", -- }, "Volumes": { "/data": "/var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/677a...ad" }, "VolumesRW": { "/data": true } }
Using the directory name as 'project name' (and as container name prefix) is clever, but again, frail: redis loses its magical persistence :(
That said, it's not aiming to be a full-blown Shipyard, Orchard or other Docker-based-PaaS systems.