Now upgraded to SourceMod 1.11!
Sorry for my English.
Author Anubis, modified by Oz-Lin
Version = 1.5.3
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G6_qg2UWHk
Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GG411J7A9
- Allows for an admin to select or for regular players to vote for a human to be the leader for the current round.
- The leader gets special perks, like the ability to put defend here / follow me sprites above their head, place defend markers, toggle a rainbow beacon, and maybe more in the future.
- Redesigned menu.
- Now if you type !voteleader without typing the name of the player, a player menu will open to vote.
- Translation file added, just edit.
- It is now possible to disable the definition in which admin typed !leader and became a leader automatically.
- It is now possible to vote to remove the current leader.
- Possibility to remain leader until the map is changed.
- Possibility of placing several markers.
- The leader can mute too many players for a set time
- The leader can now appoint a helper.
- The leader and helper can shine through walls.
- Added cvar to disable plugin. "sm_leader_disable"
- Calling the leader menu panel no longer blocks radar and money indicator.
- Markers are now spawned at crosshair, not at leader's position.
- [Leader] Clantag override for both leader and helper (Ref: Entwatch clantag module)
- Shortcut to call the marker menu panel directly.
- "Draw leader laser" utility (Ref: Lasers)
- sm_leader_disable - Disable Plugin. 1 = On 0 = Off (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_allow_votes - Determines whether players can vote for leaders. (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_defend_vmt - The defend here .vmt file (Default: "materials/sg/sgdefend.vmt")
- sm_leader_defend_vtf - The defend here .vtf file (Default: "materials/sg/sgdefend.vtf")
- sm_leader_follow_vmt - The follow me .vmt file (Default: "materials/sg/sgfollow.vtf")
- sm_leader_follow_vtf - The follow me .vtf file (Default: "materials/sg/sgfollow.vtf")
- sm_leader_spawn_vmt - The zombie spawn .vmt file (Default: "materials/sg/sgspawn.vtf")
- sm_leader_spawn_vtf - The zombie spawn .vtf file (Default: "materials/sg/sgspawn.vtf")
- sm_leader_arrow_vmt - The generic arrow me .vmt file (Default: "materials/gfl/marker.vtf")
- sm_leader_arrow_vtf - The generic arrow .vtf file (Default: "materials/gfl/marker.vtf")
- sm_leader_no_doorhug_vmt - The follow me .vmt file (Default: "materials/sg/nodoorhug.vtf")
- sm_leader_no_doorhug_vtf - The follow me .vtf file (Default: "materials/sg/nodoorhug.vtf")
- sm_leader_admin_leader - Determines whether Admin can access menu leader, without voting. (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_timer_removemute - Determine how long the players were speechless after applying the Mute All (Avoid cheating leader). (Default: "15.0")
- sm_leader_glow_color - Determines R G B glow colors for Leader\nFormat should be "R G B" (with spaces). (Default: "72 96 144")
- sm_leader_remove_leader_votes - Determines whether players can vote for remove leaders. (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_max_markers - Determines maximum number of markers. Max 20 (Default: "5")
- sm_leader_roundend_rleader - Determine whether to remove the leader at the end of the round. (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_remove_on_die - Determine whether to remove the leader if leader get infected or died. (Default: "1")
- sm_leader_lasers_removedelay - Determine how long the leader laser (in seconds) should be visible before they get removed. (Default: "60", Minimum: "5.0", Maximum: "300.0")
- sm_leader - Access the leader menu OR Set a player to be leader
- sm_le - Access the leader menu OR Set a player to be leader
- sm_l - Access the leader menu OR Set a player to be leader
- sm_currentleader - Shows the current leader.
- sm_cl - Shows the current leader.
- sm_voteleader - Votes for the specified player to be leader. Required votes is current player count / 10.
- sm_vl - Votes for the specified player to be leader. Required votes is current player count / 10.
- sm_lmute - Leader mute command.
- sm_voteremoveleader - Votes to remove the leader. The votes needed are the current player count / 10.
- sm_vrl - Votes to remove the leader. The votes needed are the current player count / 10.
- +sm_leader_laser - Leader draw laser command (Need to bind a key on the game console manually).
- sm_resign - Resign command shortcut
- Double press +lookatweapon (default as F key) twice quickly to call the leader marker menu.
- AntiTeal - Leader2
- darkerz7 - Clantag module
- matthewpi - VIP Lasers
- Chinese CS:GO zombie escape servers - Leader draw laser function
- sm_removeleader - Removes the current leader.
- sm_rl - Removes the current leader.