This projekts allows to generate RESTful Jersey 2.8 compatible source code defined by a model. It uses Xtend and Xtend features to generate the source code.
- Clone or download a copy of the Rajawali source code.
- Install Xtext and Xtend Plugins in Eclipse.
- Import the RESTgen project into Eclipse.
- You need all four projects
- The main project is "" which contains the "RestDsl.xtext"
- Right click on the file and select Run as "Generating Xtext Artifacts" to genearte files for the Generators
- Wait!
- Run as Eclipse Appliation.
- Create a Java project in the new Eclipse instance
- Add a file with the extension ".rdsl" and confirm the xtext nature.
- Define the REST model, save the file and wait for the stuff to be generated.
- Add the Maven POM and Web.XML file from WebFile Package to your project and build.
A file can be either a resource or a configuration. The framework uses the first config file its find. The user can specify multiple resource files which all be used.
File: resource.rdsl
Idea: The user defines a resource with a name "Users" and multiple attributes. Every "Attribute" can specify a HTTP Method: GET, NONE; a Java Type: String, Date..; and a attribute name. "username". Other HTTP Methods are generated where they are needed.
Resource Users
GET Java java.lang.String username
GET Java java.lang.String password
GET Java java.lang.String firstName
GET Java java.lang.String secondName
GET Java java.util.Date birthday
GET Java java.lang.String alias
GET Resource Messages tweets
File: config.rdsl
The URI is used with the HATEOAS constraint.
Package helps to create order in the project.
The Framework supports currently only JSON MIME and Jersey as REST-Framework. The ID is used to access the resources.
The persitency layer is using SQLite DB as seen in the last lines.
Base URI http://localhost:8080/v1
Base Package
MIME json
Framework Jersey
ID-Generation long
API-Version v=1
Caching ETag
Paging size 10
JDBC-Driver org.sqlite.JDBC
JDBC-File jdbc:sqlite:mydatabase.db