A framebuffer graphics library and analog clock demo ready to run on Raspberry Pi.
To run the clock: ./fall c
or to run the clock on a secondary display:
FBDEV=/dev/fb1 ./fall
To get help:
To run a demo:
./fall d
To run the tests:
./fall t
If your system uses /dev/fb1 as a secondary display, and you wish to show a clock running:
sudo make install
sudo systemctl start fb1clock
If the clock is working satisfactorily, then enable for future reboots:
sudo systemctl enable fb1clock
Else edit fb1clock.service and repeat the installation steps.
The library and program are hard-coded for 16-bpp displays. This is the power-on default for the 3.5" ILI 9325 LCD serial panel I'm using on fb1.
- gfx.c - the graphics library
- fall.c - the analog face clock program. the name is misleadning because it started off as something more elaborate
- mkfnt.c - used to make the font that is embedded into fbgfx.